> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Chan [mailto:wlachan@;hotmail.com]
> During the time I had the FA*85, I found it not quite
> useable near wide
> open. In fact, it was so soft I tried to stay with f4 or
> smaller. I have
> never done any formal test, just shooting out and what I
> got. Never had such
> problem with 77.

Interesting. I almost exclusively use it between 1.4 and 2.8.

The pictures look pretty sharp to me. They got sharper once I got the
MZ-S and could actually see what I was focusing on...

> I know many would consider I am insane, but I have managed
> to take some very
> nasty bokeh pictures (not every picture btw) with the
> FA*85, but never with
> the 77. Unfortunately, my 85 was sold years ago so I can
> make no direct
> comparison.

The 85 has "interesting" bokeh. A few years back some folks here
surmised the the lens was formulated in such a way that the plane of
focus was shifted towards the back of the DOF. In other words, the
lens has less DOF behind the plane of focus than a normal lens.

I personally like the bokeh. In fact, I think it's unique character
gives me a small competitive edge.


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