I'm actually very disappointed in the state of this list.  while everyone
here seems to have an intelligent opinion to contribute on a wide variety
of topics, they're being diluted by mud slinging and name calling.  aren't
we [mostly] adults here?  why is there the need to demand the last word?
why is is necessary to resort to name calling and personal insults?  and,
what the hell does any of this have to do with pentax?!

I feel like I did when someone subscribed me to a teenage 'rave' list as a
joke.  you should have seen the way those children behaved!

remember:  a community is defined by not only the masses, but by the few
who attract the most attention.

and, for what it's worth, thank you all for helping me with my yet
unsolved problem.  :)

-----> And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
-----> And the stars look very different today

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