At 19:55 25.11.2002 -0500, Ramesh wrote:
>"Landscape photos.." 
>I shot, moutain tops with Pentax FA 100/2.8 Macro. The trees are not as sharp as I 
>I think the reason could be, the wind on the mountain(I am sure of it because I was 
>shooting from the bottom). 

Another thing: the FA 100/2.8 Macro is not extremely sharp at infinity.
It is pretty unusable when shooting astrophotos (doughnut shaped stars on film) 
and thus (I suspect) also with other small objects when focused at infinity.
On the other hand it is a truly excellent lens for macro and portraits :-)


* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D       * GSM: +358 500 789 753 *
* Computec Oy Turku    * FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 10 264 0777 *

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