In a message dated 11/26/02 9:18:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< This is a feature (similar to one that Minolta had) that long ago earned 

"Darwin Camera Award". In the early 90's Pentax, and Minolta in particular,

came up with technological answers to questions nobody ever asked. At the

time this feature came out many people claimed to be able to follow focus a

subject, and if you could do this you can certainly manually zoom a lens.

BR >>

What I am talking about is the zoom clips where the zoom instantly zooms out 
or in to a particular focal length with the touch of the button on the lens. 
So if there were two areas where "action" was taking place, it's very 
convenient to hit the button and fire away. The button is actually in the 
perfect spot when you are cradling your hand under the lens. I know the 
feature seems like a gadget (I've owned the PZ1 with power zooms for 2 years 
and never used them either) but now I think it has some real value given the 
right circumstances. I think you have to play with it a little to get the 
feel of it. And, of course, you have to be at an event where it makes sense 
to use it. 
    If I have features on cameras or lenses I like to explore them fully. I 
think this is an area that has never been explored much because photographers 
couldn't see a real good use for it... 

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