I agree Vic; I now love using AF, but still occasionally use MF for various
purposes. The AF is not necessary for macro work, but it is nice sometimes
to trust the camera, and concentrate on other elements of making a good
photo. Sure automation is not necessary, (as my LX and several MF lenses
demonstrates), but I do like the AF when I want to use it. It's a little bit
like TTL flash. If you have got it, why wouldn't you use it, or indeed why
go back to a system that wasn't TTL at all?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: A 100/2.8 Macro on eBay

In a message dated 11/26/02 10:24:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I distrust the AF lenses (the Limited lenses are the exception)

on general principles. They have a really sloppy feel to them

that I find offensive. I don't believe lenses with that much

slop in them are as good as they could be, and I don't trust

them to not develop more slop over time. To me, a lens whose

mechanics feel imprecise is going to be an optically imprecise


The Limited lenses that I have handled don't share the

mechanical sloppiness of the other AF lenses I have handled.

William Robb >>

I know what you are saying about Autofocus lenses William and I felt the
way, but once you start using them you will quickly find that they are much
better than you ever imagined. They don't feel as nice but the results are
excellent. I find myself depending on autofocus more and more. Technology
doesn't always feel good but it's hard to argue with the results...

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