Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Many people rank the way Mark does, and I don't see it that way.
>Let's say you have a lens with a screw-on rubber hood and you
>want to take a closup using a supplementary closeup lens.  You
>a) unscrew the hood
>b) unscrew the closeup lens from the other filters of its size
>c) screw in the closeup lens
>d) screw in the hood
>Tubes are about 3 times faster, in my hands.  Locking bayonets
>is easier than all that screwing around.  grin.
>I think the only advantage to supp. lenses is small package
>and no light loss.  They're certainly not as convenient as
>tubes to actually _use_.

They are if you don't have that lens hood! ;-)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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