
I wouldn't be shocked to see film usage drop quickly.  As to
processing services, tougher call.  The newer printing machines are
equally adept at taking film (they actually scan it at high speed) or
digital.  The cost/process is the same.  The only difference for the
film is that it has to go through the film processor first. Currently,
that costs me $2.29 per roll above the cost of the prints.  I would
guess that it stays like that for some time to come.  The labs that
don't already have the digital printers will need new equipment, but
that is already on the market.

I wonder if the price of film, rather than the processing won't rise


Friday, December 6, 2002, 5:39:30 AM, you wrote:

SD> I was looking through the most recent issue of Shutterbug and they have
SD> an article where staffers were making predications about the next ten
SD> years.  One of the interesting ( and universal) predictions is that film
SD> will not go away but it's use will drop off quicker than most people
SD> think and that processing services will become more rare or at least
SD> more expensive.  Does anyone see this.  I realize that many of us don't
SD> want to switch, but I asking for predications not preferences.

SD> Steven Desjardins
SD> Department of Chemistry
SD> Washington and Lee University
SD> Lexington, VA 24450
SD> (540) 458-8873
SD> FAX: (540) 458-8878

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