On 24/3/2011 10:11 πμ, Angel Bosch Mora wrote:

what about a community donation?

we could create a ticket with all people interested in this feature and how 
much can they contribute.

i think there's more people than we thing using LDAP backend.

I like the idea. Such an announcement could be published to the ldap communities too.

However, it strikes me that, although I have repeatedly published about the issue in this list, no one has expressed interest (you are the first one). Yet, I believe that there must be out there at least some people/organizations who use or would be interested in using the LDAP backend. (Googling for powerdns/ldap will reveal at least some activity in the recent or earlier past.)

I find it a pity to put the LDAP backend (which I have mentioned in the past that is one of the virtues of powerdns vs other software) to unmaintained status.

How can this be initiated? Has this be done in the past in the powerdns project?


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