Hi. I am a researcher in Yonsei University of South Korea.

Our major is  Clinical psychology  and we are developing a game application(especially for Android users) for Autism spectrum disorder children.

And one of the games we wanna include is "Tower of London"

But we have difficulty in finding Tower of London Solution (ex. start state, goal state, optimal paths)
We found that your company developed well-organized Tower of Londer.
So we are asking your help.  I wonder if we could get tower of London solutions or get the information about the solution of TOL.
Or can you offer the logics for Tower of London for programmers. (I also wonder if it should be paid)
Actually, we don't know much about developing app and we are working with outside programmers.
The programmers want us to offer full solutions of Tower of London or program logics that can be applied to Android studio(name of program tool).
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