On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:51 PM, Hannes Magnusson
<hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So the current build infrastructure is abandoned and this 'pickle'
> tool, which currently actually doesn't have much of any functionality
> or even really discussed, is the new official Windows build
> infrastructure?
> Buddy. Don't be so daft. Even if this tool at some point gains
> capabilities to compile PECL extensions on Windows, it is not the
> service we have been talking about in this thread.
> Please keep your remarks relevant to the discussion at hand.
> We are discussing the Windows build service for PECL packages.
> Not a 'pecl install' replacement. Just the build service so I can ask
> it to do snapshot for my development code so I can see if it builds on
> Windows.
> If you do not understand the discussion then do us all a favor and
> keep to yourself rather then wasting everyones time with needless
> irrelevant derailing and lies.

What does rmtools?

- download src from git repo, limited support
- build from src
- eventually package the build (but not always fully correctly, not in
an automated way for pecl)
- rmtools repo contains pecl deps, especially fo windows, duplicate informations
- analyze build process logs, store and send them to the authors
- transform logs in a human readable way
- upload snaps, semi automatically

What pickle does or will do
- existing extension information are used to generate the package info
(json instead of xml), no information duplication
- fetch src from any src (http, git + tag support, etc.)
- install from any src too
- dependencies are stored in the extension repository, as part of the
config, no information duplication
- package the extension build, always, with deps when necessary (some
libs are already available in core)
- provide simple interface (cmd line and APIs) to build extensions

What does that tell us?

Only the analyzers and log parser will need to be ported to pickle or
keep in rmtools. The upload of snapshots package will be kept in
rmtools as well. Everything else is managed by pickle directly.
Developers will use the same tools than we will use to generate
snapshots. The same tools than users will use to install ext (if they
do not relylinux package managements). Easy, simple, consistent.

> I appreciate your understanding and maturity in this matter.

I appreciate your sudden interest in trying to improve pecl snapshots,
but i have zero understanding for your bashing, sorry.


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