On 23 June 2018 05:01:20 BST, Remi Collet <r...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>Le 23/06/2018 à 00:40, Rowan Collins a écrit :
>> The package with a d, on the other hand, appears at a glance to be
>> actively maintained, and would seem to be the right choice for any
>> writing new code.
>A serious issue exists with this package, it relies on a system library
>(libmemcached) which is a dead project
>Last version 1.0.18 was released in 2014
>Last commit in 2014
>Lot of open bugs without any activity

Hi Remi,

That's worrying: effectively, there are two ways to integrate PHP with 
Memcache, and neither is actively maintained.

Is there a third option? Should people reconsider their use of Memcache 
altogether? Or is there a chance of reviving one project or the other?


Rowan Collins

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