On 23/06/2018 15:16, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
Rowan Collins in php.internals (Fri, 22 Jun 2018 23:40:27 +0100):
However, it seems that the package without a d is actually abandoned.
The official PECL package was last released more than 5 years ago [3],
and the bug asking for PHP 7 compatibility is still open [4]. An
unofficial fork apparently supports PHP 7 [5] but it in turn hasn't had
a commit in 11 months, and has an open bug for 7.2 compatibility [6].
It has some PR's, even a recent one by Remi Collet for 7.3

The open bug for 7.2 compatibility seems to be open only because nobody
bothered to close it.

Well spotted. That "nobody bothered to close it" still worries me though - it suggests nobody is really co-ordinating what has and hasn't been fixed. I'd be wary of relying on it for my production code unless I was willing to maintain my own set of patches, keeping an eye out for submissions by Remi et al.

- Is there any difference, other than API design, between the two
packages, which would merit seeking a new maintainer for memcache
(without a d)?
The package without a d is AFAIK the only one that runs on Windows:
Client & server updates by 'nono303':

Ah, that's an important difference; if we do keep both packages, that should definitely be made clear in the documentation.


Rowan Collins

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