Thanks to Gary R for noting Triadic Philosophy.  Insofar as it is a theory
it is nascent. As a method of conscious thinking in line with Peirce's NA
it is more developed. I have written some short books on the subject and
all are available on Kindle. For this thread I will simply post excerpts
with a reference to the book from which they are drawn.

>From Triadic Philosophy - 100 Aphorisms Introduction

Triadic Philosophy is based on what is already within every person on the
planet. Conscience. A sense of right and wrong. And knowledge of values
that stand above all others.

Triadic Philosophy uses aphorisms and maxims to generate conduct.

Triadic Philosophy relies on its own adaptation of the pragmatic maxim
developed by Charles Sanders Peirce in the 19th century. The pragmatic
maxim stated: "Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical
bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our
conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object."
Triadic Philosophy is not concerned with narrowing our conception and
limiting it to the result. It is concerned with arriving at specific acts
and expressions which are intrinsically ameliorative, that make life
better, less harmful, more true, more beautiful.

Triadic Philosophy honors Peirce by claiming that it is a tiny offshoot of
what he came to mean by the term pragmaticism. This term was his evolution
of pragmatism. Pragmaticism is a bastion against the dominant notion that
we are all reality is. We are not all of reality. Our individual
perceptions are not all reality. Before we are, reality is. After we are,
reality remains. Pragmaticism opens the door to a metaphysics based
precisely on the premise that by our fruits we shall be known. It is a now
metaphysics. It proves out. It is not supposition.

We are inevitably social. We are capable of achieving a sense of
universality. This universal sense distinguishes Triadic Philosophy.

Triadic Philosophy seeks a world based on universal acceptance of universal
values. The battle to overcome harm, bullying and war is dependent on a
move to nonviolent understandings. This is the signature achievement
underlying Triadic Philosophy.
>From the Introduction to Triadic Philosophy 100 Aphorisms Kindle Store

*@stephencrose <>*
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