Supplement: In this wolf- rabbit- example, the discussion was, what is the representamen, and what is the object. This is a very fundamental question. Edwina had an answer to that (representamen coming from the wolves experience or mind), which I firstly thought to be unique, but to which I now agree. But in most secondary literature, the representamen is said to be something other, something coming from the outside or the environment. This matter is not discussed out, if I have not missed something, which on the other hand might well be so. I give this example just to say that theory is not helpful unless you know how to apply it. Now, what is a distinction or a circle line by a graph? If somebody asks me "Tea or coffee?" I can have a tea first, and next a coffee. But if someone asks me, whether I am male or female, I cannot say I am male, and next, i am female. So, a distinction is not something defined. One first has to distinguish between several types of distinction, which are different (distinct) from each other. So a line on a piece of paper does not say anything, unless someone has defined, what this line is about. Same with letters like a, b...: Variables? Type indicators? So, when I see a graph, I never know what it and what its lines and letters are meaning. Sorry- i am a rigid philistine or pheasant, and if my contribution is worth anyting, it is to articulate a conveying problem.
Dear Jon, List,
understanding mathematics is very hard for me. I remember, that for understanding integral and differential calculation, i had to calculate many exemplaric problems, before I understood, what it is good for, and how it works. Same with thermodynamics: How does a carnot process work. I mentally have to be the helium or the air, being compressed or expanded, have to get into it by examples. Now with this graphs-thing, I am again standing there like an ox before a mountain. Is there any literature with examples how these graphs can be applied for one or the other job? I have tried to read the book by Spencer Brown "Laws of Form". There is very soon a point from which on I cannot follow. He just does not give enough examples for silly minded people like me. We need examples. Same with the ten classes of signs. I am still wondering, do these ten classes only apply to reflection, or also to action- but that would be another topic. But the discussions in this lists to me seem to show that there is some deficiency of how to apply theory to practice or to examples. I remember the example with the wolf smelling a rabbit.
Best, Helmut

Von: "Jon Awbrey" <>

FYM (For Your Musement) ...

Here are some animations I made up to illustrate several different styles of proof
in an extended topological variant of Peirce's Alpha Graphs for propositional logic.

See the following article for a full discussion of this type of logical graph:




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