Thanks again, Ben.
(Where would this list serve be without you?)

After reading this again, it became obvious to me (I am a slow learner) that 
the underlying issue here is the origin of symbolization with respect to 
biological / human actions.

Ben, do you suppose that instinctual actions (such as those that are directly 
comparable to animal behavior, such as fight or flight, or feeding,)  are not 
symbolized?   The quasi-hypotheses being merely mental patterns of spontaneous 
neuronal assemblies that manifest the material reality by activating 
communication toward the ecosystem through internal electrical musculatures?



On Jul 23, 2015, at 10:16 AM, Benjamin Udell wrote:

> Hi, Jerry, you're welcome. Yes, some of the pages contain few words. If 
> something looks wrong, you can check it against the manuscript online at 
> (also linked at my 
> transcription 
> ) and please do let me know if something's missing. I don't think I missed 
> anything but sometimes it takes one a few days to see an error, because, I 
> guess, of slowness of change of frame of mind.
> MS 831 is undated but one can see that it must have been written after the 
> publication of _Studies in Logic_ (1883) because Peirce mentions its 
> publication. 
> Another way maybe to narrow the date down:  In MS 831, Peirce uses the words 
> "inference" and "reasoning" to mean pretty much the same thing, and uses 
> "quasi-inference" to mean instinctive or otherwise automatic inference. There 
> comes a time when he uses "reasoning" to mean "conscious, deliberate 
> inference," thus widening the sense of "inference" to encompass instinctive 
> inference (quasi-inference in MS 831). I'm not sure how consistent he was 
> about that in later years, but assembling the dates of later quotes on 
> reasoning and inference might help suggest a more specific time period during 
> which he wrote MS 831.
> Best, Ben
> On 7/23/2015 10:46 AM, Jerry LR Chandler wrote:
>> Ben:
>> Thanks for your work in posting this work.
>> A minor technical question:
>> It is aparently the case that some pages contain only a few words.
>> Is there any apparent reason for this?
>> Is the date of the writing known to you?
>> Cheers
>> jerry
>> On Jul 22, 2015, at 7:32 PM, Benjamin Udell wrote:
>>> List,
>>> Harvard has placed more Peirce manuscript images online. They keep changing 
>>> the URL for the list of Peirce MS images online, and now one has to search 
>>> at Harvard's "Oasis" instead of Harvard's "Hollis". I'll need to update the 
>>> info at Arisbe. Anyway, for the current list of Harvard's online images of 
>>> Peirce's manuscripts, go (or try to go) to
>>> One of the manuscripts newly available is MS 831. I've mentioned MS 831 a 
>>> number of times, based on the Robin Catalog's description of it:
>>> 831. [Reasoning and Instinct] 
>>> A. MS., n.p., n.d., pp. 2–29, incomplete.
>>> The fine gradations between subconscious or instinctive mind and conscious, 
>>> controlled reason. Logical machines are not strictly reasoning machines 
>>> because they lack the ability of self-criticism and the ability to correct 
>>> defects which may crop up. Three kinds of reasoning: inductive, deductive, 
>>> hypothetical. Quasi-inferences.
>>> I've transcribed and posted MS 831 at 
>>> Best, Ben
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