I did not get past the first three letters and I took it to be an email
cold start no context -- Interesting to see how tenacious the context was.
No one thinks the same.


On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Jon, list
> No- my instant reaction was that it was: A Dynamic Object.
> I did not go through a semiosic triadic process...which would be to move
> that DO..into an IO/Representamen/...and then II and DI.
> The Representamen as a 'subject' is a mediative agent. It has an active
> role in mediating from the raw data of the Dynamic Object into the
> subjective understanding of that raw data as an Immediate and Dynamic
> Interpretant. That's why it is a 'subject'; but it is not, in itself, a
> separate free-standing 'thing'.
> Yes - I'm aware of your reading of the Peircean triad and I disagree with
> it. You have no relational process at all. All you have is that the
> Representamen, akin to the Saussurian signified, re-presents the Dynamic
> Object. But it doesn't.
> Again, my reading of Peirce, which, I think maintains the semiosic process
> as a set of triadic relations, is that the Representamen is MIND; it, using
> its laws, its habits, takes that sensate data from the Dynamic Object and
> 'understands it'.....to present that data as an Interpretant. In this case,
> the DO is the actual vase [word or object]. The Representamen takes that
> input data...and using its memory/habits/laws....'understands it to
> 're-present it' [if using those terms enables you to better understand how
> I see it].....within the Immediate and Dynamic Interpretants.
> But the Representamen is not a stand-alone agent. It is MIND and functions
> only within the semiosic process, within the triad. It acts as the
> mediation transforming the raw hard sensate data of the DO...to the
> 'understanding of it'...within the DI.
> That's my explanation. So very very different from yours!
> Edwina
> On Tue 06/02/18 10:48 AM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com sent:
> Edwina, List:
> As an English-speaker, did you not instantly recognize that sequence of
> four letters as a word?  Did you not proceed to associate it right away
> with various kinds of containers for flowers?  If you did, then there was a
> semiosic process/action that took place in that moment of time.
> In order for us to experience a relation, there must be Subjects to serve
> as the Correlates within that relation.  According to Peirce's
>  straightforward definition that I quoted below from EP 2:290, the
> Representamen is not (necessarily) a "thing," but it certainly is a Subject
> or Correlate.
> In other words, on my reading of Peirce, the Representamen is not the
> semiosic process/action, and it is not the triadic Sign-relation, and it
> is not "the embodiment of the Interpretant" (whatever that means);
> rather, the Representamen is anything that stands for something else (its
> Object) to something else (its Interpretant) within a triadic
> Sign-relation.
> Regards,
> Jon S.
> On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:27 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
> wrote:
>> Jon, list
>> The four letters that you provided were just that: four letters. There
>> was no semiosic process/action. Jon Awbrey correctly pointed this out to
>> you.
>> The semiosic process is triadic - and the Repesentamen is not a 'thing';
>> it is an integral part of a semiosic process which is one of RELATIONS.
>> You seem to see the Repesentamen as the embodiment of the Interpretant.
>> No, it's the relation of mediation between the Object and Interpretant.
>> Edwina
>> On Tue 06/02/18 9:55 AM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com sent:
>> List:
>> Although I anticipated Edwina's answer in light of our past exchanges, I
>> am sincerely astonished that no one else (so far) considers the bare word
>> "vase" to be a Representamen, because it seems obvious to me that Peirce
>> would have done so without hesitation.  Surely any English-speaker familiar
>> with it recognizes it instantly and associates it with its  general meaning;
>> i.e., there is an Interpretant, contrary to Gary R.'s analysis.
>> The fact that someone who does not speak English would not recognize it
>> is irrelevant.  For something to be a Representamen, it is sufficient that
>> an Interpretant is  possible; i.e., every Sign has an  Immediate Interpretant
>> as its "peculiar interpretability" (SS 111; 1909), but need not  actually
>>  produce a Dynamic  Interpretant.
>> CSP:  A Representamen is the First Correlate of a triadic relation, the
>> Second Correlate being termed its Object, and the possible Third
>> Correlate being termed its Interpretant, by which triadic relation the
>> possible Interpretant is determined to be the First Correlate of the
>> same triadic relation to the same Object, and for some  possible 
>> Interpretant.
>> (EP 2:290; 1903, emphases added)
>> The lack of a semiotic context is precisely what makes a common noun by
>> itself a Type (Legisign), rather than a Token (Sinsign).  As a Rheme, it
>> is indeed merely "a Sign of qualitative possibility" (EP 2:292; 1903), but
>> it is still a Sign.
>> Regards,
>> Jon S.
>> On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 8:53 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt <
>> jonalanschm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> List:
>>> This thread is for discussion of the various responses to my initial
>>> post on "Representamen" (reproduced below).  If you have not done so
>>> already, please read that post and provide your own answers in that
>>> thread before looking at any of the other replies, or anything else in
>>> this thread.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jon S.
>>> On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 9:13 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <
>>> jonalanschm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> List:
>>>> With your kind indulgence, I would like to try conducting a little
>>>> experiment/survey.  Before reading anyone else's replies to this post
>>>> (including my own), consider the following, and then answer a couple of
>>>> questions about it.
>>>> vase
>>>> 1.  Is the above a Representamen?
>>>> 2.  Either way, briefly explain your answer.
>>>> 3.  If so, what are its Dynamic and Immediate Objects?
>>>> The point is not to start any arguments about our different analyses,
>>>> but simply to see what diversity of views we turn out to have.  With that
>>>> in mind, I also humbly request that we all refrain from commenting on each
>>>> other's responses here; instead, if you wish to engage in that kind of
>>>> discussion, please start another thread for it.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt
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