Edwina, List:

This diagram suggests to me a linear input-output process in which each
Quasi-mind's Dynamic Interpretant is (or determines) the next Quasi-mind's
Dynamic Object.  By contrast, my understanding of Peircean semiosis is that
the *same* Dynamic Object produces a series of Signs as different Dynamic
Interpretants in different Quasi-minds, which is only terminated if and
when a particular Quasi-mind's Dynamic Interpretant is a Feeling or
Exertion, rather than yet another Sign (cf. CP 4.536; 1906).

I am not aware of any text where Peirce defined "Representamen" as "a
generalizing habit-formation process within a community"; that is what he
called "semiosis" or even "inquiry."  Instead, he consistently used
"Representamen" as either a synonym for "Sign" or a generalization of
"Sign" that does not necessarily have a mental Interpretant (cf. CP 2.274,
EP 2:272-273; 1903).

Rather than being internal to each individual Quasi-mind, I associate the
Immediate Object and Immediate Interpretant with the Sign/Representamen
itself, in accordance with the specific System of Signs to which it
belongs.  This is what makes it possible for the Sign/Representamen to
serve as a medium of communication between different Quasi-minds, "welding"
them into one Commens (cf. CP 4.551 & EP 2.389-391 & EP 2.544n22 & EP
2:478; all 1906).

The Final Interpretant seems to be missing from this scheme.  Where and how
does it fit into the diagram?  In my view, it is the Dynamic Interpretant
that the Sign/Representamen *would* produce in the *ideal *Quasi-mind--the
ultimate opinion of an infinite community after infinite inquiry (cf. CP
8.184, EP 2:496; 1909).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 8:21 AM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> This is my own very rough drawing of the semiosic interaction of
> Quasi-minds A, B, C…
> I’ve set up the triadic Relations on two levels. That is, the
> Representamen  is a generalizing habit-formation process within a community
> and as such, it mediates the particular, and  functions on a different
> spatiotemporal scale than the particular individual experiences of the
> Objects and Interpretants.
> I hope this gets through to the list – I’m unskilled with the computer –
> which dominates me rather than vice versa.
> Edwina
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