
I just noticed that the message below, from Jeff Downard, did not go to the 
list, although he clearly intended it to. I think the question he poses at the 
end is a fascinating one, but hardly know where to start in working toward an 
answer. (Perhaps I should start with Peirce’s writings on topology in NEM?) 
Anyway I hope Jeff or John Sowa or others will take up this topic (perhaps with 
a change of subject line), as it’s something I’ve often wondered about.

One passage that might be relevant is the topological cave-exploration passage 
in Peirce’s 1898 Cambridge lecture on the Logic of Continuity, which I’ll 
append at the bottom of this message. I find it both challenging and 
fascinating to (try to) follow.

Gary f.


From: Jeffrey Brian Downard <> 
Sent: 20-Feb-19 10:58
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Analyzing Propositions (was EGs and Phaneroscopy)


Gary F, Jon S, John S, List,


I, too, agree with Gary F's remarks on the points John S has made about the 
EG's. That is, they seem on track to me so long as we constrain our attention 
to Peirce's treatment of lines connecting dots to relations of 
identity--conceived of dyadically and triadically (i.e., as teridentity). 


Having said that, I find it difficult to see how Jon S's suggestions with 
respect to the MEG's are supposed to provide an account which treats lines as 
more general relations and not as lines of identity. After all, it is obvious 
that some relations are not well captured by lines connecting spots, including 
the relation of the conditional de inesse and the relation between affirmation 
and negation--which are fundamental to all versions of the EG.


Having said that, it would help me better understand what Jon S is trying to 
accomplish with the MEG's if some comparison were made between the way he is 
using and interpreting lines and branches to represent various kinds of 
relations and the way Peirce uses lines and branches when he develops the 
conceptions of the potentials and the selectives.


Having read and listened to the presentation John S gave at the APA Pacific 
Division meetings a little while back on the use of EG's in the Alpha and Beta 
forms to represent some of Eulid's reasonings in the Elements, I am curious 
about a diagram in the gamma system that Peirce offers to represent the 5th 
postulate in Book I.  Don Roberts provides some helpful commentary on Peirce's 
graph of that postulate on pages 76-7 of his monograph. I'd be curious to hear 
from John S (and others) how such representations in the gamma system might be 
used to analyze examples of more complex reasoning in geometry. As test cases 
of more complex inferences, consider the reasoning of Riemann to the postulates 
that lie at the basis of elliptical geometry and of Lobachevsky to the 
postulates that lie at the basis of hyperbolic geometries. Furthermore, 
consider the proofs they give of the theorems that follow from those alternate 
systems of hypotheses. In both cases, a key move was a reconsideration of the 
conceptions that are involved in the 5th postulate--and Peirce is clearly 
thinking this through in a number of places, including the last lecture in RLT, 
the EM and NEM, and his later remarks on the relations that hold between 
topology, projective geometry and metrical geometries.


Let me try to offer a first response to Gary's comments about the discussion 
that we had on the points that Peirce explores concerning the "EGs and 
Phaneroscopy" in the Lowell Lectures (thanks again to Gary for providing 
transcriptions of those lectures). I think the example above might help to 
supply us with a case to consider. Instead of looking at the postulates that 
lie at the basis of metrical or projective geometries, consider the simpler set 
of postulates, definitions and axioms that lie at the bases of 19th-century 
topology. Peirce's articulates a number of the key postulates in the EM and 
NEM. With a list of those hypotheses in hand, we could try to answer the same 
kinds of question that Peirce tried to answer in "The Logic of Mathematics, an 
attempt to develop my categories from within" for the case of number theory. 
I've tried to reconstruct the main moves in Peirce's phenomenological analysis 
of the formal categories and the role that each plays in the hypotheses that 
lie at the basis of discrete and finite systems of number in an essay that 
appeared in the Cuadernos. 


The same kind of analysis could be given, I think, for the key conceptions in 
the conventions that lie at the bases of the EG--including the generation of a 
surface as a sheet of assertion, and the generation of the scroll as a line 
that creates a boundary between areas on that surface. Interpreting the 
diagrammatic representation of these logical conceptions will, I believe, 
require us to consider the topological postulates and conceptions (i.e., the 
generation of surfaces and boundaries) that seem to be informing the way Peirce 
is developing each system of the EGs.


So, let me frame a question:  how might we draw on the phenomenological account 
of the formal and material categories to analyze what is involved in our 
experience of generating topological surfaces and boundaries--especially a 
boundary like a scroll that is interpreted as a representation of the relation 
of "if ____, then ___"?




Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354


Appendix: The “cave” passage from RLT 251-3:


[[ If I were to attempt to tell you much about the different shapes which 
unbounded three dimensional spaces could take, I fear I might seem to talk 
gibberish to you, so different is your state of mental training and mine. Yet I 
must endeavor to make some things plain, or at least not leave them quite dark. 
Suppose that you were acquainted with no surface except the surface of the 
earth, and I were to endeavor to make the shape of the surface of a double ring 
clear to you. I should say, you can imagine in the first place a disk with an 
outer boundary. Then you can imagine that this has a hole or holes cut through 

Then you can imagine a second disk just like this and imagine the two to be 
pasted together at all their edges, so that there are no longer any edges. Thus 
I should give you some glimmer of an idea of a double ring. Now I am going in a 
similar way to describe an unbounded three-dimensional space, having a 
different shape from the space we know. Begin if you please by imagining a 
closed cave bounded on all sides. In order not to complicate the subject with 
optical ideas which are not necessary, I will suppose that this cave is pitch 
dark. I will also suppose that you can swim about in the air regardless of 
gravity. I will suppose that you have learned this cave thoroughly; that you 
know it is pretty cool, but warmer in some places, you know just where, than 
others, and that the different parts have different odors by which they are 
known. I will suppose that these odors are those of neroli, portugal, limette, 
lemon, bergamot, and lemongrass,— all of them generically alike. I will further 
suppose that you feel floating in this cave two great balloons entirely 
separated from the walls and from each other, yet perfectly stationary. With 
the feeling of each of them and with its precise locality I suppose you to be 
familiarly acquainted. I will further suppose that you formerly inhabited a 
cave exactly like this one, except it was rather warm, that the distribution of 
temperature was entirely different, and that [the] odors in different 
localities in it with which you are equally familiar, were those of 
frankincense, benzoin, camphor, sandal-wood, cinnamon, and coffee, thus 
contrasting strongly with those of the other cave. I will further suppose the 
texture-feeling of the walls and of the two balloons to be widely different in 
the two caves. Now, let us suppose that you, being as familiar with both caves 
as with your pocket, learn that works are in progress to open them into one 
another. At length, you are informed that the wall of one of the balloons has 
been reduced to a mere film which you can feel with your hand but through which 
you can pass. You being all this time in the cool cave swim up to that balloon 
and try it. You pass through it readily; only in doing so you feel a strange 
twist, such as you never have felt, and you find by feeling with your hand that 
you are just passing out through one of the corresponding balloons of the warm 
cave. You recognize the warmth of that cave[,] its perfume, and the texture of 
the walls. After you have passed backward and forward often enough to become 
familiar with the fact that the passage may be made through every part of the 
surface of the balloon, you are told that the other balloon is now in the same 
state. You try it and find it to be so, passing round and round in every way. 
Finally, you are told that the outer walls have been removed. You swim to where 
they were. You feel the queer twist and you find yourself in the other cave. 
You ascertain by trial that it is so with every part of the walls, the floor, 
and the roof. They do not exist any longer. There is no outer boundary at all. 


Now all this is quite contrary to the geometry of our actual space. Yet it is 
not altogether inconceivable even sensuously. A man would accustom himself to 
it. On the mathematical side, the conception presents no particular difficulty. 
In fact mathematically our own shaped space is by no means the easiest to 
comprehend. That will give you an idea of what is meant by a space shaped 
differently from our space. The shape may be further complicated by supposing 
the two balloons to have the shape of anchor-rings and to be interlinked with 
one another. 


After what I have said, you cannot have much difficulty in imagining that in 
passing through one of the balloons you have a choice of twisting yourself in 
either of two opposite ways, one way carrying you into the second cave and the 
other way into a third cave. That balloon surface is then a singular surface.  
] RLT 251-3 ]


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