Hello Orin,

Terry Moore and I have spearheaded the SPIN project, which has the aim of using 
online tools to support collaborative efforts to transcribe Peirce's 
manuscripts into a searchable form.

Here is a link to the site:  

C. S. Peirce Manuscripts | 
C. S. Peirce Manuscripts - collection overview. The goal of the Scalable Peirce 
Interpretation Network (SPIN) is to develop a model environment for distributed 
collaboration that can support an international network of researchers, 
students, and citizen scholars in cooperative efforts to encode and interpret 
handwritten manuscripts, including those of high complexity. As our testbed, we 
plan to use the "Logic Notebook" that Charles Sanders Peirce, the founder of 
Pragmatism, kept as the seedbed and greenhouse for his ideas together with 
related sets of manuscripts in logic and semiotics. We are treating the pages 
in the MS 145 folder as a sandbox. Take the platform for a test run and play 
with the toolset. The enhanced set of LaTeX tools for encoding the algebraic 
formulas and graphical diagrams have been added, and a set of guidelines for 
making the encodings is ready to go. Here are links to Transcription Guidelines 
on the SPIN Project website, digital images of the Ma

Thus far, the network of volunteers has transcribed about 2000 pages. If there 
are particular texts of interest to an individual or group who would like to 
make a concerted effort, then I would be willing to upload requested sets into 
the system if they are not already there. The resulting transcriptions can be 
downloaded in a large number of formats. If anyone has questions about getting 
started, guidelines are available via a link on the home page. If the 
information there does not answer any questions, let me know.



Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Orin Hargraves <orinhargra...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:19 AM
To: Peirce-L
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] opportunities for transcribing Peirce?


I remember seeing in this list a link (perhaps more than one) to opportunities 
for transcribing Peirce's writings but I can't find it in the archive.

I've met a scholar who is adept at this and is eager to contribute.  I would 
appreciate a reminder about where I can find this.

Orin Hargraves
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