Jon Schmidt, List,

Congratulations on the publication of the paper. Here are some initial 

  1.  In the opening pages of his discussion of continuity in the last 
Cambridge Conferences lecture published in Reasoning and the Logic of Things, 
Peirce distinguishes between the task of arriving at a conception of continuity 
adequate for mathematical inquiry and arriving at a conception adequate for 
philosophical inquiry. As he points out, once we have arrived at the former, 
that is where the real difficulties begin. Having read through your article, 
most of what you say pertains to the mathematical conception of continuity. Are 
you focusing on a definition adequate for a mathematical conception of 
continuity? Or, do you take yourself to have offered a definition of continuity 
that is adequate for philosophical inquiry in phenomenology, the normative 
sciences and metaphysics--as well as for mathematics?
  2.  At the end, you compare the components of your definition of continuity 
to the list of components provided by Fernando Zalamea. Much to my surprise, 
you brush aside the differences by saying Zalamea uses terms not found in 
Peirce's writings and that many of the conceptions he employs are only familiar 
to working mathematicians. If the aim is to provide an account of continuity 
that is adequate for inquiry in mathematics, then it would have made sense to 
compare the competing accounts and to engage in a discussion with what Zalamea 
  3.  On its face, I find your suggestion that Zalamea uses terms not found in 
Peirce's texts to be puzzling. Let me focus on two components of his account 
that are not found in your list:  genericity and modality. Is there some reason 
that you've set genericity and modality to the side in your account?
  4.  In your discussion, you refer to Peirce's writings on topology, and you 
focus on the language used in the Articles set forth in the chapter on topics 
in the New Elements of Mathematics. One of the very first points that Peirce 
highlights in italics is the importance of generation--e.g., the process of 
generating something such as a continuous line. That is the conception Zalamea 
is focusing on under the heading genericity.
  5.  One of the later manuscripts you consider is on the EGs. As the 
distinction between the beta and gamma graphs highlights, modality is central 
in his own work in mathematical logic.
  6.  Let me take a step back from the details and focus on a larger question. 
What is needed for an adequate analysis of the concept of continuity? One way 
of coming at the matter is to provide a definition that will, as they say, 
stand the test of time. Another way of coming at the matter is to provide an 
account that is adequate for the time being. My sense is that you are looking 
for the former. In my view, Peirce is offering an account that is more limited: 
 i.e., it is meant to be adequate for mathematical inquiry and practice up to 
his time.
  7.  The future of mathematics is hard to see--even for the best of 
mathematicians. As such, he is surveying the most important ideas that have 
surfaced in mathematical inquiry ranging from the classical writings of Euclid 
right up to the 19th-century writings of Gauss and Riemann, and he is trying to 
identify the most important components in the current conception of continuity 
as it has arisen in the research of mathematicians working in areas 
including--but not limited to--topology, calculus and mathematical logic.
  8.  In the last lecture of RLT, Peirce provides a quick historical survey of 
modern work in topology (e.g., Möbius), projective geometry (e.g., Desargues, 
Poncelet), metrical geometries (e.g., Riemann and Lobochevsky) and group theory 
(e.g., Cayley and Klein). It will be difficult to see whether or not one 
definition of continuity or another (e.g., yours or Zalamea's) is adequate for 
these different areas without digging into paradigmatic examples of 
mathematical reasoning--as Peirce does time and again.
  9.  As far as I can see, Zalamea is following Peirce's lead. That is, he is 
drawing on Peirce for the sake of developing an account of continuity that is 
adequate for the additional work in mathematics that has been done in the 20th 
century--and he is pointing out that Peirce was remarkably prescient in his 
philosophical analysis of the mathematical conception--as recent work in 
category and topos theory shows.
  10. In the concluding remarks, you claim that the thick account you provide 
is more faithful to the common notion of continuity. Our common-sense notion is 
something Peirce turns to as a starting point for philosophical inquiry. As 
Peirce says in the passage you cite, Kant's basic idea is a pretty good 
starting point as far as our common notion goes. As such, it looks to me like 
you may be moving the target. Instead of starting and ending with a discussion 
of what is needed for an adequate definition of continuity for the sake of 
mathematics, you are claiming that Zalamea's account misses the mark and yours 
is better as an explication of what is involved in our common conception.

There is more to be said, but I'll stop here for the sake of giving you a 
chance to reply to these initial questions and comments about your article.



Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354
From: Jon Alan Schmidt <>
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 11:15:20 AM
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Topical Continuum


I adapted some of my posts from last summer in threads like "Is Synechism 
"Vargas on Continuity" 
(here<>), and 
"Defining Continuity" 
(here<>) to 
write a paper, "Peirce's Topical Continuum:  A 'Thicker' Theory."  I submitted 
it to Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, and it is included in the 
current issue of that journal 
(  The following 
is the abstract.

Although Peirce frequently insisted that continuity was a core component of his 
philosophical thought, his conception of it evolved considerably during his 
lifetime, culminating in a theory grounded primarily in topical geometry. Two 
manuscripts, one of which has never before been published, reveal that his 
formulation of this approach was both earlier and more thorough than most 
scholars seem to have realized. Combining these and other relevant texts with 
the better-known passages highlights a key ontological distinction: a 
collection is bottom-up, such that the parts are real and the whole is an ens 
rationis, while a continuum is top-down, such that the whole is real and the 
parts are entia rationis. Accordingly, five properties are jointly necessary 
and sufficient for Peirce's topical continuum: rationality, divisibility, 
homogeneity, contiguity, and inexhaustibility.

The article thus attempts to meet Matthew E. Moore's 
challenge<> to 
provide "a well-defined conception [of continuity], fully equipped to do all 
the philosophical work Peirce thought that it could do."  Here are my 
one-sentence summaries of the five properties, employing Peirce's terminology 
of "portion" for a part and "limit" for a connection between parts (R 144, c. 

  *   Rationality - every portion conforms to one general law or Idea, which is 
the final cause by which the ontologically prior whole calls out its parts.
  *   Divisibility - every portion is an indefinite material part, unless and 
until it is deliberately marked off with a limit to become a distinct actual 
  *   Homogeneity - every portion has the same dimensionality as the whole, 
while every limit between portions is a topical singularity of lower 
  *   Contiguity - every portion has a limit in common with each adjacent 
portion, and thus the same mode of immediate connection with others as every 
other has.
  *   Inexhaustibility - limits of any multitude, or even exceeding all 
multitude, may always be marked off to create additional actual parts within 
any previously uninterrupted portion.

I welcome feedback on this hypothetical/mathematical analysis of continuity, as 
well as suggestions of its potential implications for other fields of study.  
For example, over the last several months I have been exploring its 
applications in phenomenology/phaneroscopy, logic/semeiotic, and metaphysics, 
especially as they contribute to a comprehensive Peircean philosophy of time.  
Contrary to Moore's negative answer to his own 
 my hope is that this formulation (or something like it) might facilitate 
demonstrating that synechism is as central to Peirce's entire system of thought 
as he consistently maintained.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian<> -<>
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