
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 11:14 AM, John F. Sowa <> wrote:
>  Therefore, it's essential to consider developments during the century 
> *after* Peirce in order to understand Peirce's early versions of those ideas.

I agree. 

Yes, it is essential.

To consider both the areas (domains) where his genius is evident and those 
where it was not.

  I consider two examples. 

The conceptualizations of the natural sciences has diverged with the 
experimental demonstration of the “atomic numbers” as compositions of 
electrical particles, a nucleus with a positive charge and an 
electro-neutralizing set of negative charges.  The count of these two different 
types of matter are the same, despite the deeply different forms and 
information content. 

Nevertheless, the handedness of organic molecules (exactly composed from the 
same set of elements) exists AND the left-handed and right-handed forms are 
otherwise physically identical. 

To what extent do CSP’s writings lead the naive mathematician/scientist down a 
path of falsehoods about the nature of continuity?

See: 2.119-2.143

It is also essential to conjecture about the current writings in modern 
mathematics. In what sense is modern mathematics relevant to Peircean realism?  
Earlier today was was studying J. Conway’s book on Game Theory.  This genius 
boldly embeds his beliefs about surrealism ( surrealistic number theory) in 
metaphors of time and temperature!  Fantastic imaginary icons for number 

To what extent do CSP’s writings lead to attributing indices of time and 
temperature to the icons, rhema , and  dicisigns to construct propositional 
mathematical arguments?  

I, for one, would not hold CSP accountable for such trends in metaphoric 


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