
While the abstractions of mathematics are extremely powerful, 
and have had profound influence on our economic systems,
such abstractions are far less powerful in analysis of complex systems of 
chemistry and biology.
I believe that your statement below is categorically in error.

> On Jul 27, 2021, at 2:55 PM, John F. Sowa <> wrote:
>  In his three universes of
> discourse -- possibilities, actualities, and necessities -- mathematics
> is first because it includes every possible pattern of any kind.  That
> includes everything that any human or any living thing of any kind could
> imagine -- plus all the possible patterns that no finite being could
> imagine.

Scientific languages and semiotic grounding of the chemical and genetic symbol 
systems are 
syntactically developed from the epistemology of human sensory interpretations 
and symbolizations.

The illations that connect the chemical and genetic symbol systems are not 
necessarily grounded in mathematics,
 but rather are ground in semiotics and the epistemologies of the natural 

In short, the abductive logic used by CSP in the 
illative assertions of the trichotomy is 
relative to the adductive logic of mathematics 
BUT remote from the multiplicative logic of physical philosophy.

Furthermore, at present, no mathematical or physical method exists to calculate 
all possible chemical patterns (isomers) because of the multiplicity of 
branchings associated with concatenations of chemical elements (atomic numbers) 
with valences exceeding 2.

Once again, in my opinion,
 the logical operations of geometrically based mathematical theories are
 insufficient to ground the calculations
 of the semantically grounded and syntactically grounded calculations of number 
theory of chemistry. 

I would urge you to peruse the mathematics of an introductory organic chemistry 
textbook from the perspective of (atomic) number theory and the quanta physics 
of electricity. CSP grasp the essential elements of this obligatory logic a 
century ago and you certainly can too. CSP valued semiotic reasoning higher 
than geometry when he expressed his views on the simplest mathematics. 



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