Thanks for this Eugene. If you credit Brent, the most serious thing IMO on
Peirce's moral ledger would be violence. That is where my problem with
Pierce would be more than with his nativism/racism.  Someone wrote in a
study of Pierce that James was a saint who longed to be a sinner and Peirce
a sinner who longed to be a saint.

Cheers, S

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On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Eugene Halton <>wrote:

> Dear Stephen, ****
>             In support of what you say concerning that we are all a
> spectrum, including less than admirable things as well as admirable things,
> let me quote something I find admirable from near the beginning of the very
> same letter of 1908, where Peirce says:****
> ** **
>             “Unless truth be recognized as *public*, - as that of which
> any person would come to be convinced if he carried his inquiry, his sincere
> search for immovable belief, far enough, - then there will be nothing to
> prevent each one of us from adopting an utterly futile belief of his own
> which all the rest will disbelieve. Each one will set himself up as a little
> prophet; that is, a little ‘crank,’ a half-witted victim of his own
> narrowness.
>             But if Truth be something public, it must mean that to the
> acceptance of which as a basis of conduct any person you please would
> ultimately come if he pursued his inquiries far enough; - yes, every
> rational being, however prejudiced he might be at the outset.”****
> ** **
>             Luckily for Peirce, his own definition suggests his prejudiced
> political views could be subject to criticism and correction. That is what I
> am attempting to do for him here. But there is still blood on his lab coat
> as far as I can see. ****
> ** **
>             Gene****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* C S Peirce discussion list [mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] *On
> Behalf Of *Stephen C. Rose
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:31 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [peirce-l] "intelligent slaves"****
> ** **
> Let me spare you the difficulty of reading the part of my note that was
> unintelligible.  It should read:****
> ** **
> First in this universe is his threes and next his convincing case for
> realism. I could cite less than admirable things about numerous heroes of
> our time and all it would end up being would be proof that we are all a
> spectrum and that somewhere in each of us there are things that are not
> noted merely because they are not known or no one cares or they have been
> hidden.****
> ****
> *ShortFormContent at Blogger* <>****
> ****
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:****
> Ha!
> Apart from the possibility of irony, which I commonly find in Peirce
> more than others do, I think it is clear that matters of society and
> judgment of character were some of Peirce's weakest points, which is
> why I switch to Dewey when it comes to practical wit on those scores.
> Jon
> --
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> inquiry list:
> mwb:
> policy mic:
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