Joe, Gary, Jim, list,
Well, your response certainly poses a challenge, Joe. I'll try. Then I must go and, well, eat.
From your transcription from Letter to Lady Welby Dec 23, 1908 (in _Semiotics and Significs: Correspondence Between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby_, ed. Charles Hardwick, Indiana U. Press, 1977, p.83) :
It is usual and proper to distinguish two Objects of a Sign, the Mediate without, and Immediate within the Sign. Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience.
That is the sense in which I mean that the sign does not convey experience, acquaintance, etc., with its object. "Its Interpretant is all that the Sign conveys: acquaintance with its Object must be gained by collateral experience."
That is because one's experience of the sign is not one's experience of the object. And that, in turn, is because the sign is not the object. The sign is merely _almost_ the object, enough to convey information, but not enough to be the object itself (except in the limit case), not enough that one's experience of the sign would be one's experience of the object.
- One's experience of the object is not one's sign of the object.
- One's experience of the sign is not one's sign of the sign.
- One's experience of the interpretant is not one's sign of the interpretant.
One has experience of something as a semiotic object at least insofar as one is experiencing it as the focus of one's interest rather than as a sign or interpretant of some other thing in the focus of interest. It's not "simple dyadic" experience of the object, because one is experiencing the object nevertheless in light of other things as signs and interpretants about it, and, by one's intention or not, one is thereby testing the signs & interpretants. However, when one experiences something as a sign about something else, what is learned along that path also becomes further learning about the thing which served as a sign. Certainly if we're discussing a person, one's experience of a person behaving as a deliberate sign tells one a lot about that person as, himself, a subject matter, a topic, a semiotic object.
When I say that my verification is not merely my sign, I mean that my (verificative) experience of (for instance) a sign X, is not itself sign X, nor is it my sign Y of that sign X. My experience OF that verificational experience is not my experience of a sign. Etc.
Why is that? Because, as Peirce says repeatedly, having a sign of something is not having an experience of that thing. To me that says the same thing as "get out into the labs and the field" -- not in order to bypass and eschew signs, but instead in order to test them.
One moves among things, deals with them, and one notices that things tell one about other things -- the objects are also signs -- and one notices that one has sometimes alternate interpretations of the same signs, and one needs sometimes to verify. One notices that one can arrange for oneself to have experiences of objects, signs, interpretants.  One ends up with experiences about experiences. One is capable of that kind of layered reflexivity. I think of the experience, in its verificatory aspect, as a second object -- the "subject" as when we say "the subject perceives the object" -- though perhaps I should say that the experience is the subjectness, the subjectedness. Experience is a kind of subjection.  As the sign's cryptic _night_ is converted into the interpretant's clarifying _dawn_, so the object's _dusk_ which led to the sign's night, is converted into the experiential subject's _day_ as the confirmation of the interpretant's dawn. The semiotic object is the determinant force at the start; the experiential subject is what logically stabilizes that force. 
Object, sign, and interpretant are indeed elements of experience, and often enough, though not always, one has conscious experience OF them. The mind as we know it is certainly rich enough to involve unconscious inference processes which go beyond mere information processing. But we need to start from the basis of what one _does_ experience.
When sign and interpretant convey information and clarification of the object in some respect that goes beyond one's experience of the object -- far enough beyond to occasion doubt -- then one resorts, if possible or convenient, to an experience of the object, an experience determined and informed by interpretant, sign, and the object both as represented through them and as already familiar, an experience determined and informed by them _as_ a test of them. One may dig the requisite experience up from memory. Or one may seek to acquire it. Either way, at some point the experience is formed into a recognition logically determined by object, sign, and interpretant. From the case where the experience is retrieved from memory, we can change analytic direction and draw the formal lines tighter for cases where a retrieval moment is not experienced and where interpretant and recognition come together.  (Note: Where they really are one, there it seems to me that object and sign are one, and that all four are effectively one; perhaps this amounts to some sort of implicit recognition of itself by an experience, I'm not sure; I'm disinclined to conceive such a case in a way that deprives such recognition of content. I'm thinking in the direction of an icon as self-representative, an index as self-representative, etc.; I'm thinking that the self-representative sign is very near to the conception of a given sign as a _versatile_ general standard for locating, measuring, translating, and testing -- signs as guides (like the polestar), measures, keys, criteria.)
Well, what _is_ this recognitive experience? Since it is logically determined by semiosis and determines semiosis going forward, semiotics should be able to characterize it in semiotic terms. It's not the object, the sign, or the interpretant, yet _is determined by them_.  It is the experience OF the object and OF the sign as sign of the object and OF the interpretant as interpretant of sign and its object.  If you say that it's an interpretant, I say, no it's not one's interpretant of the object, it's one's experience of the object in light (light being tested) of sign and interpretant. Peirce has already clearly distinguished between the two and done so with, I think, good reason, founded in consideration of what a sign is in the first place. Moreover the recognitive experience is one's experience not only of the object but also of the sign and of the interpretant itself, as well.  It is determined by all three, determined twice over so to speak:
It's an experience which began as an incomplete experience of object and of sign and interpretant in respect of the object. That's the "first" wave of determination. In 'renewing' such acquaintance as mind has with the object, and in doing so in a way determined by the sign and interpretant, the mind's experience is developed in such a way as learn more about all three _in respect of_ one another and indeed, in respect of experience -- experience of objects and of signs and of interpretants and even _of_ experiences of whatever.
Now, maybe you keep thinking, but the experience is made of objects, signs, interpretants, so, what is supposed to be this experience which is more than them?
But the experience which is "more than them" was always there, always "more than them," helping make them what they are -- evolutionary. Even unconscious inference to a conclusion involves recognition, unconscious recognition and an unconscious version of experience. Sometimes we learn or mis-learn from things without even (consciously) knowing it, at least without knowing it until later. Maybe it's a recognition which the conscious mind would not embrace but would instead renounce. And maybe the conscious mind would be right and maybe it would be wrong, to do so.
The point is that Peirce characterizes semiosis with reference to (collateral) experience of the object in such a way that said experience _can't be diagrammed as object, sign, or interpretant_ in those relations in which it is experience of object and of sign and of interpretant, and yet one needs to diagram it since _it is determinational in semiosis_. 
There is this experience, of them collaterally to one another, which seems, for its part, the experience, to rely on mediation by some unconscious substrate such that one's experience of object, sign, and interpretant is direct but mediated. But if this unconscious substrate does not itself involve unconscious recognition and unconscious experience, then it is a mistake to suppose it to be an inferential, semiotic process at all -- it is instead at best an information process basically vegetable-organismic in kind, further analyzable into material and mechanical processes, though, at every stage of the reduction, we know that something is lost.  However, as I said, there seems good reason to think that there _are_ unconscious inference processes. My guess is that they "work their way down" pretty deep, and get rather strange, but are still inference processes.
Consider the recipient in the info-theoretic scenario. Here are the correlations -- not equations, but correlations:
source -- object
encoding -- sign
decoding -- interpretant
recipient -- recognizant
The recipient, like the perceiving _subject_, is the one to whom any task of verification falls, along with the task of determining redundancy of the message's information with respect to information from outside the message or set of messages. How does the recipient do this? Presumably with some resort to info from alternate information channels, indeed, _an indefinite totality of alternate info channels_, not depicted in the standard diagram. That doesn't mean that it makes sense to drop the recipient out of the picture and replace the recipient with a "grand decoder." The decoder, in any usual sense, doesn't test the system itself or redesign it, rearchitect it, guide its evolution on the basis of learnings. That "totality of alternate channels" and sources, encoding, decodings, the same recipient behaving variously across those channels but also other recipients as sources, etc., -- is the world with its existential consequences; the recipient is the one who takes on the challenge of dealing in terms of those consequences and seeks to shape them and learn from them and evolve, intelligently let himself be shaped by them, allowing and even actively arranging for truth itself to decide many things. In all those alternate info channels, the recipient is there too. They get omitted from the standard diagram because they're not in question at the time. Some of them seem so transparent to the recipient that they hardly seem worth calling "channels." Some of them are so clear and also so sure and sound that they are anchorage. That sureness and soundness is on the basis of existential consequences arising from the recipient's total world and is something for the recipient to learn, not the decoder (though of course one could imagine a decoder being evolved, however long it might take, into a nontrivial recipient). The accumulation of anchorage, a totality of sure 'channels,' sources, encodings, decodings, and recipience, combined into that "earth" to which we refer in the phrase "down to earth," is the job of the recipient; and the recipient is an element in each of those channels too.
I hope that there is some clarification in my example above. I also think that the example points a way to building bridges between semiotics and information theory.  Not that I'm interested in a "reduction" of semiotics to information theory. Information theory is not really _about_ the recipient's design activity, so far as I can tell, though plenty of information theory and cybernetics are about how to design and improve systems.  To turn around and study those designers, that is another thing. As subject matter, self-reference, the ongoing redesign of systems, intelligent evolution, a consequential self-testing of the system at every moment  -- such things lead into the business of semiotics and philosophy.
You also seem to see a problem in the notion that I conceive the act of verification as singular. Just because you or I "verify" something, just because you or I do some reasonable corroboration (I'm using "verify" as the forest term for all the trees of "confirm," "corroborate," "prove," etc.), doesn't mean that it is _really_ true.  You seem to be looking in my talk of verification for a conception which would do the job of a final interpretant. But I wouldn't look for _that_ kind of verification as being actually available to you or me or any finite community of investigators. I have already used other ways to distinguish verification from interpretation, and have no need or desire for a _final_ attainment of truth to be part of it. I remain as steadfast as ever against the "consensus" truth theory mis-ascribed to Peirce.  Instead I conceive of a final recognition along with Peirce's final interpretant, as a limiting idea at least, the final recognition of the final interpretant, etc., which research _would_ be destined to reach sooner or later if pushed indefinitely far.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:31 PM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

JR:  I must say that I think you are missing my point because of some mistaken assumption that I can't identify.  The reason I gave the simple example of a common sense verification was to make as clear as I could that there is no deep logical point involved.  Consider again my simple example:  You see something and tell me about it and I take a verifying look.  I see what I expect to see given what you told me to expect and that's enough for me. That is a verification.  It doesn't follow that either of us grasped the truth of the matter, but if you did indeed grasp it by taking a look as you passed by the object and I did indeed grasp it by taking another look then we are both correct.   But where in all of that is this all important difference you keep talking about between mere interpretation and experience"  There was no more or less experience in my look than in yours, and no more or less interpretation, as far as that goes, other than the memory that the reason I took a look myself was because I wanted to see if what you saw is what you thought it to be, which I am willing to credit if, after taking a look myself, the description matches up.   There is no denial of verification involved in any of this.  It is an imaginary account of a very simple case of verification. 
JR:  Now you can complicate it as much as you want, turn the look at a macroscopic object requiring no special instruments of vision (a burning fire) into, say, the look at the object which is involved in the case of scrutinizing a bunch of measurement data gathered from cranking up a particle accelerator at CERN with the help of a thousand other people, and the basic idea of verification or disverification is unchanged except for being required to be vastly more sophisticated, given the enormously different conditions of perceptual access to the object, and of course given the equally enormously greater amount of inference involved in the one case than in the other when we move from understanding the perceived object to be a burning building to the compared case of understanding the perceived object to be, say, a quark doing its thing under this and those conditions.   Exactly the same sort of gross macro description of it applies as semiotically construed:  an object is perceived as manifesting this or that, which, semiotically, is talked about in the same terms regardless of the difference between being an object with manifest qualities functioning as representations interpreted as being a burning fire or quark doing whatever quarks do. 
JR:  So I just don't get it, Ben.   Of course there is much of philosophical interest, at a specialized level, if one wants to deal with highly complex experiences instead of simple ones.  I am not denying that.  I assumed that you would understand that.   You say:
BU:  One might make similar remarks on abductive inference, which is belief-laden and context-sensitive and would require getting into lots of details and variation case by case. Note that the kind of hypotheses which inferential statistics characteristically produces are "statistical hypotheses" rather than explanatory ones, and it is not as if statisticians never had an interest in the subject; a few years ago one statistician wrote here at peirce-l about being interested in general approaches to the production of the content of hypotheses which go beyond the usual statistical kind. Statistics deals with phenomena in general and, though often applied in idioscopy, is not itself about any special class of phenomena. Yet one does, in at least some philosophy, attempt and pursue general characterizations _of_ abductive inference and this is because abductive inference is a logical process of a general kind and is therefore part of philosophy's subject matter.
JR: Yes, of course, but why would I deny any of that?  You then say:
BU:  Verification is also a logical process of a general kind. The question is, is it some kind of interpretation, representation, or objectification, or combination thereof? Or is it something else?
JR:  Now that baffles me.  Of course it is some kind of "interpretation, representation, or objectification, or combination thereof."  Why would you even say such a thing?  Is it something else?  Well, it is supposed to be all of that considered as occurring subsequent to some prior instance of "interpretation, representation, or objectification, or combination thereof", relating to that prior instance as sufficient like it (or in some other way relevant to it) to count as  something that might verify or disverify a claim made that cited the prior instance as evidential relative to that claim.  Yes, it is one thing to be a verification and quite another to be that which is verified.  But what is all of this talk about the one being a mere sign and interpretant whereas the latter is an experience?  Both are equally describable in semiotic terms and are equally experiential.  And then you say:
BU:   Now there are two more questions here: Did Peirce think that verification was important and determinational in inquiry? (Yes). Did Peirce think that verification is a distinctive formal element in semiosis? (No.)
JR:  Yes, well that is what I said, too.  But I thought that is precisely what you disagreed with?   I don't get it, Ben.  And then you say:
BU:  Your discussion of an emphasis on verification as reflecting a pathology of skepticism, a search for infallible truth, etc., goes too far in de-valorizing verification, certainly to the extent that you may be ascribing such a view to Peirce.
JR: Ascribing such a view to Peirce?  I was doing no such thing, nor was I "devalorizing verification" but only saying that there is nothing happening in verification that requires the isolation of some analytical element not already available in the basic semiotical structure that Peirce delineates.  Next, you provide a long quote from Peirce on verification, as follows;
BU quoting Peirce: 
34. Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1) seems to me to have come pretty near to stating the true cause of the success of modern science when he has said that it was *_verification_*. I should express it in this way: modern students of science have been successful because they have spent their lives not in their libraries and museums but in their laboratories and in the field; and while in their laboratories and in the field they have been not gazing on nature with a vacant eye, that is, in passive perception unassisted by thought, but have been *_observing_* -- that is, perceiving by the aid of analysis -- and testing suggestions of theories. The cause of their success has been that the motive which has carried them to the laboratory and the field has been a craving to know how things really were, and an interest in finding out whether or not general propositions actually held good -- which has overbalanced all prejudice, all vanity, and all passion. Now it is plainly not an essential part of this method in general that the tests were made by the observation of natural objects. For the immense progress which modern mathematics has made is also to be explained by the same intense interest in testing general propositions by particular cases -- only the tests were applied by means of particular demonstrations. This is observation, still, for as the great mathematician Gauss has declared -- algebra is a science of the eye,(2) only it is observation of artificial objects and of a highly recondite character. Now this same unwearied interest in testing general propositions is what produced those long rows of folios of the schoolmen, and if the test which they employed is of only limited validity so that they could not unhampered go on indefinitely to further discoveries, yet the *_spirit_*, which is the most essential thing -- the motive, was nearly the same. And how different this spirit is from that of the major part, though not all, of modern philosophers -- even of those who have called themselves empirical, no man who is actuated by it can fail to perceive.
~~~99 [bold & italics at the Website]
  JR:  There is nothing in that quote that cuts against my view, Ben.  It is mostly concerned with stressing the importance of active observation in experimental work, but all of that is as true of the original observation on the basis of which the research claim is made as it is of the observation that goes on in verificational procedures.  There is nothing in there to suggest that one is only about signs and inferences but is not experiential whereas the other has to do with experience, supposedly unlike the first.   You then say:
BU:  Can there be any serious doubt that Peirce did indeed think that verification has a determinational role in inquiry, that it settles questions in ways the support the further advance of inquiry?
JR:  No, but who said anything about doubting that?   Dropping on down, you say:
BU:  I point out that verification involves, and is a kind of, experience/observation of a thing, and that , so a verification is not a sign or interpretant in those relations in which it is a verification.
JR: Now I find that sentence just unintelligible, something is conceptually askew in it, e.g. in the phrase  "sign and interpretant convey information but not experience of the thing", which involves what is to me an unintelligible contrast.  The conceptions of "sign" and "interpretant" are used in the analysis of experience.  Any time you have an experience there is, if one is regarding it semiotically, a sign and an interpretant and an object, too, and whenever there is occasion to make use of the conceptions of sign, object, and interpretant there is some implicit reference to experience. Why?  Because the representation relation is a categorial -- hence universally present -- element of experience.  It is an aspect of an experience, any experience.  And you go on to say things like:
BU:  But my verification is not, for me, merely a sign, but instead an experience,
JR: "merely a sign"?  "but instead an experience"?  "merely"?  "instead"?  I just don't get it. Ben    I don't mean to ridiculing you in any way in saying this sort of thing, but am trying in doing so to isolate the misunderstanding which I think must be underlying the production of sentences that I find puzzling as grammatical constructions, given my understanding of the uses of semiotic terminology.
From this point on I would just be repeating myself, I think.   So let me close this message at this point.
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