Michael Perelman wrote:

> Our system has been down.  I have not been able to follow this thread.  The
> mail I am reading is also out of order, but it seems that Roger is going over
> the top with Tom.  please stop.

Could you please explain what you mean by "it seems that Roger is going over the
top with Tom'', Michael, so I could at least try to understand what you are
accusing me of, or find objectionable?

Particularly since you admit you haven't followed the thread and have only read
things out of order.  Perhaps I could (gently) suggest that you read the thread
in sequence before you reach judgments like this.  And then, at least, please
make a clear statement of the problem.  Seems elementary, doesn't it?

Moreover, you don't seem to have noticed that I had already said I had said all I
was going to say on the topic.  Your asking me to stop was unnecessary.


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