Michael wrote:
>Suppose that we look at 2 different scenarios.  The economy either
>crashes and burns or improves dramatically.  Now suppose that someone
>went back and reviewed the archives of this list?
>How would we look in either case?  Would our discussions seem relevant
>or instructive?

It depends. If you narrowed the search to posts by Jim Devine, you'd find
them extremely relevant. The problem is that very few people with his kinds
of expertise feel motivated apparently to write analyses on PEN-L. Whether
this is because of time constraints or something else, I have no idea. I
suspect, however, that much of this discussion is taking place among
PEN-L'ers but not here, rather over on LBO-Talk. In any case, your scenario
seems focused on the United States, while for most of the rest of the world
the economy has not only crashed and burned, but has disappeared off the
face of the map. In the USA economic woes tend to get framed in terms of
whether Teamsters, for example, will be able to fend off Mexican trucks.
Over on the Marxism list, the discussion was focused on the Argentina
truckers union led by Moyano who led a march against anti-labor legislation
which was attacked by the cops, leaving many wounded from gunfire or clubs.

Louis Proyect

(The Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org)

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