G'day Mike & Louis,

Sez Louis:

>It depends. If you narrowed the search to posts by Jim Devine, you'd find
>them extremely relevant. The problem is that very few people with his kinds
>of expertise feel motivated apparently to write analyses on PEN-L. Whether
>this is because of time constraints or something else, I have no idea. I
>suspect, however, that much of this discussion is taking place among
>PEN-L'ers but not here, rather over on LBO-Talk. In any case, your scenario
>seems focused on the United States, while for most of the rest of the world
>the economy has not only crashed and burned, but has disappeared off the
>face of the map.

I, too, am a devout fan of The Sainted Jim, but I reckon you're being a tad
harsh, comrade!  This list gets stuck right in when it actually agrees on
what the issue is.   That rather confines its best moments to commentary and
retrospectives, but that's really the only stuff I have any great faith in,
anyway.  That's where Michael will find the telling texts when stuff goes
pear-shaped (which remains my humble suspicion).  The quality is positively
gratifying then, and our humble listmaster's moderation makes for a 
learning process both gentle and humorous - which is important to
late-comers to the dismal science.  Not everyone is as brave as you when it
comes to chancing the arm in public.  

Doug's list is great for those with bags of time (indeed, none greater, for
mine), but I actually reckon a lot of posts there are very US-specific, too
- and there's more copious redundancy - and old scraps get refought there
more often and more hotly than here (for good reasons, mind - cultural
theory elicits the worst out of me, too - but anyone who takes Engels'
letter to Bloch, or the Frankfurters' attempts to come to grips with their
sad appraisals du jour, seriously has to walk that turf) but it's nice to
have a Pen-L and an LBO - they still taste very different to me.  

And now I've found out about the contribution of Moyano and his comrades to
a continent's traumatic - and potentially world-challenging - peregrinations
through the harsh contradictions that mark our time.  Ta.

Anyway, my old steam-driven box can't take LBO traffic ...

So more strength to your arm, Michael!

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