Brad De Long wrote:

>No one seems to be arguing that PNTR will make China poor.

China's recorded some of the most spectacular growth rates in human 
history without PNTR. Will PNTR accelerate them?

>No one seems to be arguing the U.S.'s trade policy can be used as 
>significant leverage to improve Chinese government treatment of its 
>own people. The argument against PNTR seems to be that it is a move 
>in a symbolic card game, an implicit approval of China's anti-human 

Actually lots of people are arguing that. So who's "no one"?

>So why not go with David Ricardo on this one?

Ricardo believed that capital was immobile, for one. And for two, his 
example countries, Britain and Portugal, and his example commodities, 
cloth and wine, were perfect examples of uneven development.


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