James Heartfield wrote:

>Ralph Waldo Emerson joked that he never read a book before reviewing it,
>in case it prejudiced him. Why don't you read Science and the Retreat
>from Reason before you close your mind to it.

Oh that Emerson! He also said he read Shakespeare's plays backwards, so
that the plot didn't get in the way of the poetry.

I do plan to read the book, as soon as I can get my hands on it.

>I have read it, and there is a great deal of critique of science,
>especially of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics and of
>chaos theory, as I recollect.

Glad to hear this, but what I was talking about was a critique of the
social-political role of science as an instrument of control and arbiter of
Truth. These examples aren't quite what I had in mind.

By the way, James, I've been kicking LM around a bit, but I still take you
seriously and think of the magazine as worth reading. I'm not condemning
you as agents of Satan or anything.


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