
On M-I and Pen-L you have singled out Doug for your bitter attacks.
I subscribe to these two lists and have not seen you attack anyone else
with such bitterness.  As Michael Yates and James Devine have pointed out,
your criticisms are especially vitriolic, which this list is not 
supportive of.  On this list I have seen people getting into extended
debates with Doug on different issues, but none telling him to go back to leave your readers with little choice but to believe this is
personal, not political.

Think of it like this.  Maurce Dobb and Paul Sweezy had a very lively
debate in the 1950's.  Their views  were largely irreconcilable, yet
neither party ever sunk to telling the other one "to go back to school to
learn (fill in th eblank)..."  Brenner and Wallerstein likewise had a very
fierce debate in the 80's, again without sinking to such remarks...

Ya wanna debate Doug, fine.  Offer an alternative to his book after
finally reading it? Fine. Great even, this list is for that.  But the
petty personal attacks we can do without.  


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