I said:
>why castro would even have the old bastard in cuba amazes me.
Jim said in reply:
>Response: I think it was more in the order of a tactical compromise 
>for the purpose of achieving some kind of leverage or authority to 
>help end the social systems destabilization campain and embargo that 
>is creating a lot of misery for the people of Cuba.
>Personally, I wish that Fidel had mentioned the Ratline (Vatican 
>assistance to fleeing Nazi war criminals), the 1933 Concordat with 
>the Nazis (Pope Pius XI prasing Nazis as "voctors for Christianity 
>and a bulwark against Bolshevism"), high-level elements of the Church 
>supporting fascist regimes/despots while preaching against grass-
>roots political action and "liberation theology" by rank-and-file 
>Priests and Nuns (and a few higher level elements like Archbishop 
>Romero), the Pope's collaboration with the CIA and the misery caused 
>by destabilization campaigns against Poland and Eastern Europe (while 
>preaching against secular political action by Priests and Nuns), the 
>1498 Papal Encyclical commanding either conversion or extermination 
>of indigenous peoples, the patronizing patriarchy and patriarchal 
>attitudes toward women, etc etc.

me too! and then hold the pope to ransom to force the vatican to sell
all their middle class art treasures and other properties they own.

although i suppose clinton needs an invasion of some kind or another
given his present rather sticky wicket.

kind regards

         ####    ##        William F. Mitchell
       #######   ####      Head of Economics Department
     #################     University of Newcastle
   ####################    New South Wales, Australia
   ###################*    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ###################     Phone: +61 49 215065
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                           Mobile: 0419 422 410 

WWW Home Page: http://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/~bill/billyhp.html

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