This is excerpted from a Foreign Policy In Focus brief on Chemical and
Biological Weapons written by Martin Calhoun, senior research analyst for
the Center for Defense Information. If people would like a copy of the
entire article (4 pages printed) please let me know.

Three recent events-the extensive use of chemical weapons during the
Iran-lraq war  (1983-88), the March 1995 sarin nerve gas attack by
terrorists in the Tokyo subway, and  the uncovering by the U.N. Special
Commission (UNSCOM) of the extent of Iraq's  chemical and biological
weapons programs-have reminded nations of the danger posed  by CBWs and the
need to control their spread. Currently, as many as 25 countries are
believed to already have or to be interested in acquiring chemical weapons
programs,  while 10-12 countries are suspected to have or be interested in
acquiring biological  weapons programs. Only three nations-the U.S. (with
31,000 tons of chemical warfare  agents), Russia (with 40,000 tons), and
Iraq (with several hundred tons)-have openly  acknowledged possessing
chemical weapons arsenals. No countries admit to having  currently active,
offensive biological weapons programs yet revelations indicate that both
Iraq and Russia have recently maintained such programs. The U.S.
unilaterally renounced  biological methods of warfare in 1969 and
subsequently destroyed its biological weapons  arsenal.

Foreign Policy In Focus is a joint project of the
Interhemipsheric Resource Center (IRC) and the Institute for
Policy Studies (IPS). In Focus briefs document the problems
of current U.S. foreign policy and offer recommendations for
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