>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/28/00 05:59PM >>>

>I have found myself in agreement with Lou's recent post suggesting that
>the roots of ecological crisis and overpopulation pressures lie in the
>contradictions of capitalism, and that a socialist revolution is not
>only necessary but also desirable if we are to have a sustainable
>ecological system in the future.

Hmm, ok, maybe I can get an answer from you: what changes in 
industrial and agricultural practices, energy sources, the build 
environment, living arrangements, etc., will occur under socialism 
that will avoid the eco-catastrophe capitalism supposedly has in 
store for us. It's not just a matter of invoking the words "socialist 
revolution" along the lines of "Presto Change-o," is it?


CB: To purport to answer your question fully would be to assume the approach of a 
utopian.   The answer to your question must come in the main from the practice, trial 
and error, of billions of people.  Building an ecologically  viable society cannot be 
done based on a detailed blueprint proposed by a few genius intellectuals anymore than 
building socialism. The Marxist approach to eco-relief is the same as its approach to 
exploitation-relief:  Identify and highlight the basic crisis generating 
contradictions as a guide, not dogma, for practice. This is the opposite of a "presto 
chango" solution, for the actual solution "on the ground"  will take difficult 
struggle based on some fundamental guiding principles, i.e. general eco-socialist 
consciousness in the masses of people on earth.  It WONT be easy to answer your 
question in detail even in practice, and impossible to answer it theoretically in 
detail without practice as on an e-mail list.

The ecological crisis is integral with and a concrete aspect of capitalist crisis.  
Capitalism in its imperialist stage has based itself critically on the use of oil.  
So, given that this means that there would have to be a super drastic drop in 
profiteering by the oil companies, auto companies and many other companies dependent 
upon oil directly and indirectly for production, these imperialists are inherently 
unable to even explore such a radical change. Ergo, the logic of capitalism as it is 
concretely constituted in 2000 can't  do the job. It cannot possible actually seek the 
answers and actions in detail that you ask above ( and as I say, nor can a few genius 
intellectuals give you the details in advance of practice by the billions).

But, one thing we can say as a general guide ( not the detailed blueprint)  is that  
Year 2000 capitalist accumulation as the arch-controlling logic of the whole of human 
society must be obliterated to free up the practice of the billions to find the 
detailed answers to the questions you ask.

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