Jerrey Levy:
>E.g. why don't we (in the presence of this overwhelming volume!) have a
>limit (let's say 3) for the maximum amount of posts that can be sent per
>day per subscriber?

This is such crap. When I first got on PEN-L 4 years ago, there were often
more than a hundred messages a day on the LTV, etc. Furthermore, after
LBO-Talk was started, the average number of posts a day was less than 10.
There was concern that PEN-L might be terminated. The discussion yesterday
was one of the best I've ever seen on the Internet.

>Someone asked me to define "economist". For the sake of this discussion,
>I'll define economist here as anyone who either works professionally as an
>economist or someone who was trained as an economist.

What elitist bullshit. Charles Brown is an African-American attorney who
has advanced training as an anthropologist, as well as over 3 decades
involvement with Marxist politics. He is the first black person who is
posting regularly to PEN-L and it is about time. He brings a unique
perspective to the question of precapitalist societies, both as a trained
anthropologist and a Marxist scholar. Meanwhile, all you bring to the list
with all your economics training is feeble attempts to start flame wars
with Doug or me. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>The problem isn't that there are non-economists on this list. The problem
>is that this list -- *which is defined as a list for economists* -- has,
>in practice, been taken over by non-economists. *AND* it has had a sharp
>effect on what we discuss and how. Here's an example of the increase in
>quantity of posts sent by non-economists transforming the quality of
>PEN-L. And not, by any means, for the better IMHO. 

So what should we discuss? My drunken binges at academic conferences. Okay.
Did I tell you about the time I went to the MLA conference in 1982 and put
LSD in the punch bowl? Stanley Fish got so fucked up that he ran around the
room yelling about the chandelier turning into a flying saucer...

Louis Proyect


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