(Greg Elich is a Serb-American freelance radical journalist based in the
Columbus, Ohio area. He has an article that will appear in the next issue
of Covert Action Quarterly.)

I don't agree with acceptance of the "peace" plan, but it is difficult to
see what alternative Yugoslavia had.  Basically, Yugoslavia was faced with
two choices:

1) Acceptance of this plan, which will lead to a hostile occupation of
Kosovo, and the eventual secession of Kosovo. The partial but thorough
destruction of Yugoslavia (bombing so far).

2) Continued resistance. Preferable from the standpoint of the dignity and
sovereignty of the nation, but inevitably leading to an invasion by NATO.

Consequently, due to the isolation of Yugoslavia, this would result in a
hostile occupation by NATO not only of Kosovo but the entire nation, with
the secession of Montenegro surely following. Also resulting would be the
complete and total destruction of Yugoslavia as an industrial economy.
Vietnam was able to hold out and eventually defeat a much stronger
opponent, but then it had assistance from other nations. No nation is
assisting Yugoslavia, it stands alone. The technological gap is just too
pronounced for Yugoslavia to be able to successfully resist this monster.

That said, even with this capitulation, don't be surprised if NATO bombing
continues unabated. Rest assured, it is not merely Kosovo that the West is
after. The West wants nothing less than the total subjugation of the entire
nation of Yugoslavia. And they will not relinquish that goal, no matter
what concessions Yugoslavia makes. One of the conditions for stopping
bombing is the complete and rapid withdrawal of Yugoslav troops from
Kosovo. Don't be surprised if, when Yugoslav troops start to withdraw, NATO
escalates its bombing, and intentionally tries to massacre withdrawing
troops. Indeed, we can count on it. I well remember the mass retreat of
Iraqi troops from Kuwait. Western planes savagely bombed retreating troops
and vehicles on the road to Basra. One Navy pilot commented that, in regard
to planes returning to reload bombs, that bombs couldn't be loaded fast
enough. It was a frenzy of killing, an absolute massacre, over 50,000 Iraqi
troops lost their lives. These were troops retreating from Kuwait, there
was no point in massacring them except sheer savagery. Yugoslav troops can
well expect the same. Not long ago, when Yugoslavia announced a partial
withdrawal of troops from Kosovo, one Western official announced that NATO
would make a point of bombing them when they came into the open to
withdraw, that attacks on them would escalate during their withdrawal. It
was no surprise that Yugoslavia had to cancel the partial withdrawal, it
would have been suicidal. We can expect the same now. And if Yugoslav
troops refuse a suicidal withdrawal, then it will be an "excuse" for NATO
to continue bombing.

Some of the terms of this plan are intentionally vague. We can expect that
NATO will make a thousand demands, some of which will take advantage of
vague conditions, and some of which will be completely in contravention of
provisions of the plan. Each demand will be backed by threats, and bombing.
Even if Yugoslavia completely carries out all of the plan's terms, new
excuses will be invented, new demands will be made. Don't be surprised if
bombing continues despite completion of all of the plan's stated
provisions. Even if bombing stops eventually, it could resume with any new
demand. Kosovo is lost already. NATO will make endless demands and threats
until it finally has what it wants: the overthrow of the Yugoslav
government, installation of a puppet government, an economy put completely
at the service of Western corporate interests, resulting in Yugoslav
workers having the privilege of joining the Third World, working for 50
cents an hour in Western-owned factories, the complete lack of democracy,
as we see with NATO running Bosnia today, the lack of freedom of
expression, again, as we see with NATO running Bosnia today.

I knew we were in trouble when Yeltsin appointed Victor Chernomyrdin as the
Russian negotiator. Chernomyrdin is one of the few who can claim a rare
distinction: being more of a worm than Yeltsin himself. I knew we were
completely alone and isolated at that moment, that no one would help us,
even though, ultimately it is in the best interests of many other nations
had they helped us. Because Yugoslavia is not the last target. Better for
the world to defeat the monster now, before a precedent of international
homicidal lawlessness is set.

Yugoslavia has been defeated, but the battle is not over. Yugoslavia must
struggle against titanic odds to maintain sovereignty over what remains of
the nation. Kosovo is lost, its secession is guaranteed, as well as the
future mass murder and exodus from Kosovo of all in the region who favor a
united multi-ethnic nation: Serbs, Roma, pro-Yugoslav Albanians, Turks,
Gorans, etc., there will be no place for these people in the new
secessionist state. I wonder whether it is a coincidence that Kashmiri
secessionists have over the last several months, stepped up their military
attacks against India. Surely the message is clear for secessionists in all
nations not supported completely by the West.

Were I in the position of Yugoslavia's leaders, I would not have accepted
this plan, but I understand why they did so. Their hope is to preserve what
will be left of the nation, despite Western determination to destroy and
seize the entire nation. Yet, despite this defeat, we can still be proud.
Yes, Yugoslavia has capitulated, and yes, this will not in any way stop
attempts by the West to destroy and seize the remainder of the nation. And
yes, Kosovo is as good as lost. But the world has descended into an ugly
barbarism. In a world situation, where virtually every nation is afraid to
so much as even verbally express a mild criticism of Western belligerence
and arrogance, let alone defend themselves, tiny Yugoslavia has given an
example to the entire world. For two and a half months, completely
defenseless, Yugoslavia defended its dignity, honor and sovereignty. That
Yugoslavia eventually had to bow in an unequal contest cannot take that
away. The brutality of the West, and the independence of Yugoslavia has
opened the eyes of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.
Many have had to abandon illusions based on the rhetoric (rather than the
reality) of Western leaders. If even a few of the world's nations and
peoples are inspired to defend their own independence and sovereignty, then
Yugoslavia will have done the entire world and all of humanity a great

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