

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, neil wrote:

> The USSR's GOSPLANs were " planning" from above .  And markets,
> (controlled  in various ways)-- existed in the USSR up to its demise. 
> This is STATE planning but not socialist planning. Western market societies
>  also  have varied forms  of planning by the STATE, from  So. Korea ,
> Mussolini's Italy , to the 
> USA  in WW2 , Japan, etc. and many other , $250 Billions/yr 
> Corporate Welfare
> ( R. Nader's estimate) by the US  STATE  is part of  an indirect form of 
> limited planning by the
>  bourgeois STATE. Does this  also have anything to do with  workers rule or
> socialism.?
> Of course not.. 
> The Russian  Economists, Bukharin, Preobrezenski , later Lieberman,  all 
> recognized
> their own  contradictions to one degree or another .  But not the existence
> of a new 
> Russian /USSR  ruling class over the workers of course . ( This did not
> prevent the first two from
> being shot anyway)There as no such thing ever as any " USSR , INC." as 
> recent posts 
> have implied existed there.  There was still competition between USSR
> plants and 
> industries for labor and materials and managers were expected to reach
> goals--
> at least some averged rate of profit playing a key role via each plant and
> industry as a whole.
> The reactionary Hayek and company were setting up a straw man--Stalin-ism 
> to assault..  
> Russia could not cheat the law of value forever. Nor can the others.  State
> capitalism 
> has been used as a key prop to shore up waeker capitals in many lands.  It
> is not 
> in vogue as much  now by rulers as during the 20s, , the Depression and 
> WW2. But it is not 
> entirely out of vogue  and  could  be employed more and capitals latest
> problems 
> continue , and/or masses revolt /fight more against the neo-liberal 
> marketeers 
> austerity pummelings, or as new power blocs amongst capitals spring up, to
> keep 
> rivals under control-restriction s. 
> Neil.

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