Jim Devine wrote:

> BTW, RB's critique of Frank links up with the broader "orthodox" Marxist
> critique of the dependency and Monthly Review schools. One of the basic
> critiques here is that many dependistas ignored the role of class conflict
> within the periphery, which eventually linked up with popular frontism in
> those countries.

 Jim,which dependentista's? Where? A lot of critics of dependency theory
make criticisms without mentioning who and what they are criticizing.
C.Leys is one of the worst perpetrators here. For example, in one of his
papers (in the collection The Rise and Fall of Development Theory) he
presents a sweeping critique of dependency theory yet only cites 1 paper
by Cardoso, 1 book by Norman Girvan and 2 books by Frank.  No mention of
the Cardoso-Rey, Cardoso-Marini debates etc etc. That is terrible.
  Most of the dependency theorists have never been translated into
english. Many lost their lives in Latin American political struggle.

Sam Pawlett

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