>I was away for a couple of days, so I'm behind and I'm confused. I 
>thought Yeltsin used state power to bomb the Duma, and Pinochet used 
>the army to overthrow Allende. I could swear the special bodies of 
>Serb armed men essentially laid down their arms and gave in to the 
>throngs in the streets. Am I just a dupe of the NYT?

One can also raise the question of what kind of brutal dictator Milosevic
is, who permitted the USA and other imperialist powers to spend more money
on the opposition parties than any other government would permit. One can
also raise the question of what kind of brutal dictator Milosevic is when
his cops and army never laid a finger on any protestor. If the United
States kept to the same high standards of Yugoslavia, then Ralph Nader
never would have been excluded from sitting in the audience of a debate
that he by rights should have been participating in. If the United States
kept to the same high standards of Yugoslavia, not a single demonstrator
would have been beaten or gassed in Seattle or Philadelphia.

Louis Proyect
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