>Actually, I agree that Milosevic was not so undemocratic compared to many
>other regimes.  He was a brutal murderer who promoted the use of rape as a
>weapon and ethnic clensing as policy.  
> But the fact that he was able to do
>so reflects not just his personal qualities but a rough reflection of the
>Serbian democratic will, an unfortunate reflection on that population.  And
>that is one reason I could support the Kosovo intervention and war with
>Serbia, precisely because there was collective responsibility by Serbians
>for the crimes in Kosovo - collective responsibility in the sense that all
>democratic systems share for their government's policy.
>It is a great thing that a large share of the population has decided to
>repudiate that past policy.  We will see if it translates into a more just
>settlement for the populations of Bosnia and Kosovo.
>-- Nathan Newman

Interesting. The Goldhagen thesis adapted to Yugoslavia.

Louis Proyect
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