J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. said on 11/4/00 1:48 P

>      In fact, the big one on that probably was
>abortion.  Maybe they would have appointed
>more Souters to the Supreme Court rather than
>Ginsburg and Breyer.  Neither of those is nearly
>as progressive as the Ford-appointed Stevens.
>But, put anti-abortion justices in instead of Ginsburg
>and Breyer and we would have a very different situation
>right now with regard to abortion rights, I think.  He
>does not get any credit it for it, but the likelihood that
>a Bush victory probably will not undo this, is in fact
>a sign of how important the 1992 outcome was.

Can you really believe that the GOP wants to align the court to undo 
Roe/Wade and alienate the pro-choice voters in order to sooth the tempers 
of the pro-life sector? How do you see that serving the long term 
objective of gaining retaining power?

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