We could go round and round about
mistakes/miscalculations/betrayal but not much is
served by that.

More important is, what is next for the Greens? If
the election goes to Bush, as seems most likely,
then what will the attitudes be of those who were
on the fence between Gore and Nader? Will they be
upset with Nader and, so, be very unlikely to back
the Greens in the future? Or, will they say, what
the heck I might as well shift to the best
alternative, the Greens, although they are (some
might believe) responsible for a minimum 4 years
of Repub horrors?

Will the Demos, if Bush is elected, shift slightly
to the left to get the Greenish vote or will they
shift slightly to the right hoping to win by
becoming (more so) the left wing of the Repubs? It
seems to me that a rightward shift is more likely
for the Demos--if they move left, they will lose
votes to Repubs as they gain votes from Greens.
The next result might be zero gain in votes for
them and a net gain for Repubs.

If Demos move right, they gain votes at the
expense of Repubs: they might lose their left wing
to the Greens--a net gain of zero for Demos-- but
they will take away votes from the Repubs which,
on the whole, might lead to greater Demo success.


Eric Nilsson
Department of Economics
California State University
San Bernardino, CA 92407

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