Rakesh Bhandari wrote:

>>>Aside from that, don't U.S. textile and apparel workers deserve 
>>>some sort of attention?
>that's not the question; they get attention embodied in protective 
>law. And, excuse me, is that a question at all or is it an 
>accusation?  Are you implying that I (with that foreign born name 
>written on my CT birth certificate) am not concerned with american 
>workers and thus unpatriotic?

Not at all. You're as American as I am, but even if you weren't, it 
wouldn't matter a bit. And I don't consider patriotism a virtue, so 
that question is irrelevant.

>  what is *your* unit of analytical concern: US workers, non ruling 
>class Americans, the global worker? From whose perspective do you 
>see things?

The global working class. I do notice, however, that sometimes 
non-working class leftists in the First World don't consider the 
American worker as part of it. Kind of like Engels dismissing the 
English w.c. as paid stooges of imperialism.


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