Title: RE: [PEN-L:27739] Re: Re: Imperialism in decline?

Ulhas:>9. Foreign policy issues are not important domestic  politics. Why should they be important? We are free and independent nation. Marxists, particularly of anti-imperialist variety, don't appreciate that calling independent nations 'semi-colonies' and 'peripheries' is the  worst possible insult.<

I don't see it as an insult. Is saying that someone is a proletarian or a blue-collar worker or a peasant an "insult"? These refer to positions in a social systems, not to personal characteristics of the individual.

The point of calling an "independent nation" a semi-colony or part of the periphery has always been to say that political independence is enough, since it is not the same as economic independence.

> Distribution of World Income: 1700-1995
>       1700    1820    1890    1952    1978    1995
> India         22.6    15.7    11.0    3.8     3.4     4.6

so India has been doing pretty well since 1978? Obviously not doing as well as 1700 or 1890, but maybe we can say that India is eroding some of the negative effects of British colonialism.


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