Doug Henwood :
> How does this comport with Vandana Shiva's dire tales of Indian
> farmers miserably exploited by international agribusiness and the
> gene modifiers?

The question Doug asked was about the WTO and its impact on Indian farmers.
So I answered accordingly. Poor farmers hardly have any surpluses to be
affected by the WTO. Doug's question was not about the state of poor and
marginal farmers.

As far gene modifiers go, cotton is the only crop where this has allowed by
the government very recently, i.e. few weeks ago. This has not been allowed
in other crops. It is too early to talk about the impact of the government's
decision on cotton farmers. India is probably among the last nations to have
done it. China has done it long ago.

I have already posted a news reports on this question on this List earlier.
I could provide message numbers, if necessary.


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