At 11:43 PM -0500 7/28/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Anyone who has followed
>the experience of the 'green revolution' (sic) knows about the
>problems that it has produced and the fact that it has exacerbated
>class problems by displacing the poor farmers and giving control to
>the rich.  The development literature has been reporting this for
>twenty years or so.

I don't speak for others, but I'm not objecting to all criticisms of 
the "Green Revolution."  Simply put, what's wrong with the "Green 
Revolution" is that the power elite seek to substitute a 
technological fix for a political solution; that the idea of a 
technological fix helps the power elite to divert attention away from 
the root causes of hunger and malnutrition -- i.e. class and gender 
relations.  Reading Vandana Shiva, though, makes you think that 
what's wrong is technology in itself, rather than those who have 
social power -- be they capitalists, landlords, or powerful 
patriarchal men -- to make it serve their ends, rather than the ends 
of workers and peasants of both genders.  Observe the way Shiva 

*****   War And Peace On Our Farms And Tables
by Vandana Shiva
Director of Research Foundation for Science,
Technology and Ecology, India

Edited version of the speech delivered at the Women's Conference on 
Environment in Asia and the Pacific,
3 September 2000, Kitakyushu, Japan

...The first one, is the group of technologies that came to be known 
as the "Green Revolution". This was not a very green transformation 
of agriculture, and it was definitely not revolutionary. It basically 
increased the control of powerful corporations and countries, and 
rich landlords in the Third World over food production and 
agriculture, displacing women and poorer peasants, and removing poor 
consumers from their entitlements to food....

... As chemicals take over in agriculture, women are displaced, and 
as women are displaced they are made to look like the redundant sex. 
They become dispensable. A new phenomenon started in Punjab that had 
never taken place before, namely female feticide (killing female 
foetuses)....   *****

With all due respect to Shiva and her fans, it is not chemicals and 
technologies, be they good or bad or ugly, that "increased the 
control of powerful corporations and countries" and "rich landlords"; 
nor is it chemicals that are displacing women or causing 
gender-selective abortions of female fetuses.  A mirror image of the 
power elite who have sought to offer the "Green Revolution" as a 
miraculous fix, Shiva portrays "chemicals" and "technologies" as the 
primary agent of negative social change, obscuring the root causes of 
the problems: capitalism and patriarchy.  Why not fight holders of 
class power and patriarchal power instead?

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