Friday August 2, 2002 4:00 AM

                                     UNITED NATIONS (AP) - With talk of 
U.S. action against Iraq escalating, the
                                     Iraqi government Thursday invited the 
chief U.N. weapons inspector to
                                     Baghdad, hinting that inspections 
could be renewed after nearly four years.

The BBC first thing this morning has immediately had a lengthy, and 
persuasive interview with Scott Ritter. Ritter the former weapons inspector 
in Iraq points out that the overnight initiative by Iraq is exactly what 
the Bush administration does not want.

It takes advantage of the differences between the US and Europe, and opens 
up the contradictions within the administration. After investing so much 
political capital (Ritter's words) in building up momentum for a war for a 
"regime change" in Iraq, Bush does not need at this moment an initiative 
that could lift sanctions and rehabilitate Iraq into the network of 
accepted normal international relations between states.

The speed and authority of the BBC's interview iillustrates the post 
Zimmerwald choreography of anti-US hegemonist world politics which I have 
discussed in other contexts.

Saddam has taken advantage of the contradictions between the imperialist 

I expect and demand that US progressives pile in behind this opening which 
Scott Ritter has signalled. That will be the true art of class struggle in 
the concrete conditions of the world today.

Chris Burford


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