>Look at the shit Marc Cooper takes from people busily policing left 
>ideological boundaries. There are American leftists - I won't name names, 
>for the sake of amity - who spend more time denouncing him and The Nation 
>magazine than they do actually engaging with American politics. It's 
>self-marginalizing and stupid.

This is topsy-turvy. Most of the "policing" of left ideological boundaries 
have in fact come from Nation Magazine contributors like Doug, Liza 
Featherstone, Eric Alterman and Marc Cooper. (And Christopher Hitchens 
before his mutation was complete, like Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly". Has 
anybody seen Hitch walking across the ceiling yet? Wouldn't surprise me at 

In a series of articles in the Nation and other venues like LA Weekly, 
these folks have attacked elements of the anti-war movement over and over 
again. They don't like the ISO. They don't like Ramsey Clark. They don't 
like "apologists" for all those icky people who end up in the gunsights of 
US imperialism. Meanwhile, the WWP, the ISO and other groups out there 
organizing people scarcely pay attention to this kind of attack.

However, I do pay attention and plan to continue to answer the Marc Coopers 
of the world on the Internet, as is my democratic right. Michael Perelman 
might be uncomfortable when I express myself democratically, but I don't 
plan to ease up any time soon. This is an ongoing debate on the left and 
since giving an adequate answer to Cooper in the pages of the letters 
section of the LA Weekly or Alterman in the Nation is about as likely as 
winning the lottery, I intend to continue speaking my mind through email 
where I won't be censored.

Louis Proyect

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