Turkey Closer to Allowing in U.S. Troops
Parliament Must Vote After Cabinet Approves Troop Deployment

By Loius Meixler
The Associated Press
Monday, February 24, 2003; 1:38 PM

ANKARA, Turkey -- Turkey's Cabinet agreed Monday to host tens of thousands
of U.S. combat troops, a key step toward allowing Washington to forge
ahead with plans for a northern front against Iraq.

Government spokesman Abdullatif Sener said the measure was being sent to
parliament Monday. A vote on Tuesday is widely expected, but passage of
the bill is not certain.

The Cabinet decision comes after weeks of tense U.S.-Turkish negotiations.
Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis warned that final details of a U.S.-Turkish
agreement are still being worked out and the motion could be delayed until
those negotiations are concluded.

In a sign of how contentious a U.S. troop deployment is in Turkey, Sener
said that many ministers had reservations.

"An important part of our ministers did not find the developments
satisfactory. But after negotiations, the decision of sending the
authorization to the parliament was made," Sener said.

"In the end, the ministers unanimously endorsed to send it to parliament,"
he added.

The Cabinet motion calls on parliament to allow the deployment of U.S.
troops and authorize Turkish soldiers to enter Iraq.

The deputy chairman of the Justice and Development Party, which has a
large majority in parliament, said he expected parliamentary approval, but
gave no date for a vote.

"There will not be a problem," legislator Reha Denemec told The Associated
Press. "The government approves it."

The announcement comes as U.S. ships loaded with tanks and other armor
awaited orders off the Turkish coast.

Washington wants to use Turkey to open a northern front to divide the
Iraqi army. Other U.S. troops will advance from Kuwait. But for weeks
Turkey had been holding out for a better aid package to compensate for any
Turkish losses in case of war.

The deadlock was finally broken late last week, when Washington offered
Turkey $5 billion in aid and $10 billion in loans to cushion the Turkish
economy from the impact of any war.

But Turkish and U.S. officials were still working out the final details of
an agreement.

"Negotiations have not been finalized yet," Sener said.

A U.S. official said talks are expected to continue throughout Monday.

The Bush administration has been putting enormous pressure on Turkey to
pass a basing agreement.

"Negotiations to reach an agreement on the military, political and
economic issues have reached an important stage," Sener said. "However,
they are still continuing. But to have kept the process any longer would
not have been very healthy, therefore it was decided to send the
authorization to parliament today."

An overwhelming majority of Turks oppose any war in neighboring Iraq,
fearing that it would further weaken Turkey's already fragile economy.

As well as aid, Turkish leaders have demanded assurances that the fall of
Iraq's Saddam Hussein will not lead to the creation of an independent
Kurdish state in northern Iraq. A Kurdish state, Turkey fears, would boost
aspirations of Turkey's Kurdish rebels.

To prevent this, Turkey wants to send tens of thousands of troops into
northern Iraq in case of war. Ankara fears that a war will push hundreds
of thousands of refugees toward Turkey.

Kurdish groups living in those areas say they strongly oppose any Turkish

Turkey and the United States are also still discussing command of any
Turkish troops in northern Iraq, the disarmament after a war of Iraqi
Kurdish groups, and the control of two northern Iraqi oil fields, Foreign
Minister Yasar Yakis said.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of the Justice and Development Party, has
said that he would not order his lawmakers to vote in favor of the
deployment. He said he hoped "his friends would act toward the

On Monday, a NATO mission to help defend Turkey against a potential Iraqi
attack got underway with the departure of a planeload of equipment and
support units from Germany.

Turkey, a member of NATO, fears that Baghdad might launch a counterattack
if it supports the United States.

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