"We hold these truths to be self evident.  That all men are created unequal, and that 
the capitalist class is endowed with ceratin natural rights; that among these rights 
are the right to hoard, exploit, and market life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, air, 
water, food, clothing, shelter, and employment"

The Independent
23 March 2003

Activists rage against global 'water wars'

By Peter Popham in Rome

Campaigners met in Florence this weekend to condemn the notion that 
water is a resource to be bought, sold and monopolised by wealthy 
nations and corporations.

Disgusted with a World Water Forum in Kyoto that they say is "one 
more celebration of market forces, capital and private investment," 
1,000 campaigners and activists streamed into Florence to flesh out 
their vision of water as "the basic common good".

They have descended on the medieval castle in the city centre taken 
over last November by tens of thousands of participants at the 
European Social Forum.

The organisers say the forum showed that, "despite efforts over the 
past decade to discredit and marginalise alternative movements, their 
voices are part of a credible process".

Florence is a symbolic setting for the inauguration of the People's 
World Water Forum. Exactly 500 years ago, during a war between 
Florence and Pisa, Machiavelli and Leonardo da Vinci planned to 
divert the River Arno from Pisa, hastening that city's defeat.

That was an early water war. But speakers at the forum voiced their 
fear that the world is now heading for an endless succession of such 
wars to control access to "blue gold". They believe that participants 
at the official Water Forum in Kyoto, also taking place this week, 
are committed to the control of water by governments and corporations 
- at the permanent expense of the Third World poor.

One speaker at the forum, Riccardo Petrella, a professor of political 
economy at Leuven University in Belgium, defined water as "the basic 
element of solidarity. Sharing water is not something you do for 
others to make yourself feel good - it's something that shows you 
have things in common with that person. You don't assert that 
solidarity until you see yourself as part of the same biological and 
territorial unit."

The oppositional, bipolar perspective of the Cold War, he said, has 
been replaced by a growing sense of the inevitability of war. "They 
say that water will be the next object of conquest by the year 2020, 
when the world's population reaches eight billion," he said. "But 
water is not 'blue gold'. Water is just water, the greatest common 
good. We don't have to believe in the World Bank's scheme of 
permanent belligerency."

The forum's goal is to implant the notion of "a right to water for 
all - a global good - as a principle recognised universally", and to 
fight against "all forms of privatisation and merchandisation of 
water". They want to see the setting up of a World Water Authority 
with judicial, legislative and sanction powers - not the "purely 
technocratic approach of the disputes settlement body of the World 
Trade Organisation".

The forum's goals were unwittingly endorsed by research published 
this week showing that tap water in Italy's major cities is as good 
or better than the mineral water on which millions of euros are spent 
every year.

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