Eubulides wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > No. No. No.  Ask any grad student in economics.  The death of a
> bazillion
> > cuts occurs in grad school.  Once you return to life, you are a hardened
> > economist who has invested years in learing that stuff.  Throwing it
> away
> > is a painful confession.
> >
> ===================
> Well how many economists on this list survived? Clearly it can be done,
> no? Turn Samuelson's appropriation of Mach against the mainstream.......

I would expect that only those economists 'survived' who had already
been engaged in left political practice _before_ they had taken much
econ. It is extraordinarily rare that anyone 'turns' left from
reading/thinking alone, absent the impetus of finding him/herself
engaged in concrete struggles of some sort. Overwhelmingly, the
attraction of left theory in general (or of marxist theory in
particular) is that it appears first to a person as a way of making
sense of activity in which they find themselves caught up. One backs
into left theory as it were rather than walks into it straightforwardly
from "study."


> Ian

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